360 Wander Writer


Welcome to the Festive world

The Carnival of Venice

This Carnival of Venice is described as one of the best carnivals in the world. It is centered around the Piazza San Marco. The events are held in every towns and cities of Venice. This event also contains boat parades along with the Grand Canal. Its main specialty is about their elaborate masks and a mask parade is done in the Piazza San Marco. It comprises of a special Carnival for Children in the Cannaregio district of Venice. It is kind of annual festival held every year in the city of Venice.

It is held for a period of two weeks . It ends just the day before the Ash Wednesday which is very commonly said as the shrove Thursday. During this carnival a number of freebies are available for the tourists. Like the free show , special video projections and free guided museum tours , there’s a lot of free things that happens during the Carnival which makes us to add this carnival as a must attending one on our bucket list. The tradition of the mask started long back to the 13th century .

According to the pages of history, The Carnival of Venice started when the venetians military, of the Venetian Republic won against the Patriarch of Aquileia in the year of 1162. On that time people started celebrating the the victory by dancing . This festival be became an official on during the period of Renaissance. During the 17th century it became the prestigious way to save the image of the Venice in the world. This carnival reached its peak fame during the 18th century.

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