
What is "SETU" initiative by GoI.

In a bid to connect Indian startups with the US-based investors, SETU programme (Supporting Entrepreneurs in Transformation …

BCG Matrix.

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix  is a four celled matrix (a 2 * 2 matrix) developed by BCG, USA. It is the most renowne…

SWOT Analysis explained.

SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. By definition, Strengths (S) and Weaknesses (W) are…

Branding and its Components.

The Branding is a marketing process wherein the firm tries to create a unique image of the product in the minds of the custo…

Green consumerism: New way of life

We all are consumers in some way or the other. Even before we are born, we are consumers and this cycle completes only after…

How to spot a pyramid scheme.

A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money based on recruiting an ever-increasing number of “investors.”  The i…

New era of socially responsible toys

A child’s play is not simply a reproduction of what he has experienced, but a creative reworking of the impressions he has a…

Jobs for the Future

There are two reasons why students are interested in sustainable management studies. Photo by Magnetme on Pexels.com Youngst…

Skills of the Future

The new world order, brought on by the fourth Industrial Revolution, demands that today’s children acquire skills that will …

School vs Workspace

Our children must learn how to acquire knowledge that can be applied across domains and situations. Photo by samer daboul on…

Segmenting a market?

See everybody has their own likes and dislikes right? It is always possible that my need and your need can be different or e…

What is Leadership?

Leadership, according to Peter DeLisle, is the ability to influence others, with or without authority. All successful endeav…

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