Jobs for the Future


There are two reasons why students are interested in sustainable management studies.

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Youngsters are now facing the impact of climate change themselves. Many of them have experienced-led disasters such as floods and cyclones, more than their previous generation did.

Second, there is growing awareness on the regulatory requirement and the investor’s demand, said Jagdish Ratnani, a Professor.

Nevertheless, the fact is that many jobs of the future will require hordes of managerial talent who understand ESG. Its a great career opportunity, Aditya Shelar, a student at IIM Lucknow, thinks that business in future will think beyond numbers and they would need people who under- stand a range of issues.

The transition to electric vehicles, higher solar power adoption, green practices in real-estate as well as carbon neutral policies will all require manpower that drive these shifts.

Environment and sustainability will have to be embedded in both corporate thought and actions. Its a requirement for branding, for raising funds, and to capture young and aware consumers. Institutions will increasingly adopt that in the classroom and beyond. It was said by Gopal Sarangi of TERI Institute of Advance Studies.

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Some firms want to evaluate if their manpower is conscious about ethical business strategies. Some firms want to evaluate if their manpower is conscious about ethical sourcing, environment reservation, SGD goals like equality at workspace, the side effects of child labour and fair wage.

All this will fuel demand for more courses in B- Schools.


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