
Jobs Creation

With the global labour market amidst a ‘disruption,’ and constantly being reshaped by the fourth industrial revolution, th…

KVI activities in Tamil Nadu

Chairman, KVIC Shri Manoj Kumar inaugurated several KVI activities during  Tamil Nadu visit  and interacted with Khadi wor…

Alternatives to layoff.

In the span of weeks, the United States’ Silicon Valley which has been a reliable source of high-paying jobs and booming sto…

India to add 80 new airports till 2027.

India’s aviation regulator has stated that the country could add nearly 80 new airports in the next four to five years. Indi…

Tips for faster promotion in jobs.

Many people wonder how to get promoted at work. It’s not as hard as it seems. All you need is a little bit of patience and a…

What does 'Moonlighting' mean?

The majority of IT firms have strengthened their opposition to moonlighting and threatened to fire employees who are found t…

Self-Improvement Month

If you’re reading this, then chances are that you are looking for some way to improve your life. Maybe you need help with pe…

How to spot a pyramid scheme.

A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money based on recruiting an ever-increasing number of “investors.”  The i…

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