
To_The Second-Person-You

To  The Second-Person   You For you; Always be you!                 And if I say,                 I’m there for you;        …

A film review

The Sleepover (2020)        Director- TRISH SIE        Genre– Exciting,Action, Adventure,Family features.    A very simple …

10 travel destinations in india

India is home to some of the most stunning natural attractions and historical sites in the world. With so many places to vis…

The Rashomon Effect

Ever heard multiple sides to a story from eye witnesses and had a tough time deciding which one is true or which to believe?…

Love or friendship

Love is an intense feeling towards someone but as a science student I call it just hormonal action. Friendship is the pure…


The Social Novel may be defined as a fictional narrative that focuses on the varieties of human behavior in society and the…

Reproductive Health

Total well being in all aspects of the reproduction such as physically mentally and emotionally is called Reproductive healt…

Cyber Crimes and Privacy.

Words and expressions that barely existed 10 years prior are presently essential for our regular language, as hoodlums utili…


Every morning won’t be complete without a cup tea right? Many people can’t do their work without a cup pf tea. Tea gives us …


The term Agrarian Revolution implies the great changes that took place in the agricultural methods of England during the sec…

Poverty in India

Poverty one of the major problem in India. India is the second most populous country after China with 1.2 billion people and…

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