Poverty one of the major problem in India. India is the second most populous country after China with 1.2 billion people and it is the seventh largest country in the world in terms of area.
Around ⅔rd of people in India live in poverty in which 68.9 % of Indian population lives on less than 2 dollar a day and over 30% even have less than 1.25 dollar per day. And thus they are considered extremely poor.
India subcontinent is one of the poorest country in the world.
The most poor section of our country is children and Womens. They are considered as the weakest member of Indian society and that’s why they suffer the most.
In India womens are not considered as the strongest member of the society because of a patriarchy.
Education and job for womens are not considered important in our society.
By preventing education for Childrens and womens leads to the poverty and poverty is also preventing children from getting an education
Poverty in India impacts children and families in a variety of different ways:-
- High infant mortality
- Child labour
- Malnutrition
- Lack of education
- Child marriage
High infant mortality rate
- India is one of the country with highest child mortality rate.
- Around 1.4 million children die each year in India their fifth birthday.
- Major causes of death are due to pneumonia, malaria, diarrhoeal diseases as well as chronic Malnutrition.
Child labour
- Child labour for children under the age of 14 in India is prohibited by law.
- According to official figures 12.5 nilganj children between the age of 5 to 14 are working.
- It is believed that Indian children’s contribute to the living wood of their poor family.
- Children’s work in the field in factories, in quarries, private households .
- India is one of the world’s top countries when it comes to Malnutrition.
- 7.8 infants were found to have birth weight less than 2.5Kg
- More than 200 million people don’t have sufficient access food.
Lack of Education
- Most of childrens have no access to education in India.
- Girls are excluded from the school in higher numbers with respect to boys.
- We should have to treat them equally but it is believed to be inferior on lower caste.
- Without education, chances of finding living from employment in India is impossible.
- If educated peoples start teaching childrens at free of cost then it also be very useful in making a better world.
- Like If 30 college students are studying in 1 course and they start teaching poor childrens only 1 day per month then the childrens study 1 month at free of costs.
- We also have to put some efforts in making better world not for others, but for ourselves as well.
Child marriage
- As we know Child marriage is crime according to Child marriage Restraint Act, 1929.
- But it is still widespread in many regions of India.
- Poverty is also the main reason behind this.
- Overpopulation leads to high competition in every aspects of life.
- We see lack of job opportunities, education.
- Food production is not as much to fulfill the need of this higher population.
- Due to overpopulation, and not doing work after having such high population in India is main reason behind poverty.
- If we utilise this overpopulation as the opportunity to increase country’s financial condition then it actually going to worth it.