Presence of Mind


A brave girl 10-year- old girl applied her school lessons and saved 16 lives even as the fire at Crystal Towers in the Parel area of central Mumbai killed four and injured another 16 people on Wednesday. Zen Sadavarte, who is a class 3 student, was sleeping when her mother spotted the smoke at around 8 am. Zen was trapped on the 12th floor of the 16 storied- building where the fire had started. However, without getting deterred Zen showed presence of mind and applied the safety tips taught to her in school to save the lives of her family members and neighbours. Upon spotting fire, as everybody rushed out for safety, an asthmatic girl was feeling breathless. Upon hearing her mother cry, Zen quickly took pieces of cloth from her house, went them and urged her family and neighbours to cover their noses with them and breathe through it.

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