What is "SETU" initiative by GoI.


In a bid to connect Indian startups with the US-based investors, SETU programme (Supporting Entrepreneurs in Transformation and Upskilling) has been launched by Union Minister Piyush Goyal.  SETU will act as a bridge between American and Indian companies. The start-up will help entrepreneurs in upskilling, transforming and leveraging the success stories of the Indian diaspora in the US.

SETU will be a Techno-Financial, Incubation and Facilitation Programme to support all aspects of start up businesses, and other self-employment activities, particularly in technology-driven areas. It aims to create around 100,000 jobs through start-ups.

The initiative would connect startups in India to US-based investors and startup ecosystem leaders with mentorship and assistance in various areas including funding, market access and commercialisation.

SETU is designed to break geographical barriers between mentors based in the US who are willing to invest in entrepreneurship and sunrise startups in India. The interaction will be supported through the mentorship portal under the Startup India initiative MAARG, or the Mentorship, Advisory, Assistance, Resilience, and Growth programme, which is a single-stop solution finder for startups in India.

The portal has been developed with the idea to be made accessible from every corner of the country to connect with a mentor. A mentor will offer human intelligence in guiding the startups.

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