New era of socially responsible toys

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A child’s play is not simply a reproduction of what he has experienced, but a creative reworking of the impressions he has acquired.

~Lev Vygotsky

As rightly quoted by Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky a child not only reproduces what he has experienced but also shows the impressions they have formed through their actions. That time has passed when people believed that a child cannot understand the things happening around them. Due to this misconception, very less effort was taken to make shape their concept formation in a socially responsible manner.

As a result of the research conducted around the world people have reached to a conclusion that childhood is the period when a major portion of the concept formation takes place. This realization has developed a demand for toys which could contribute towards a positive outlook development. Realizing this rising demand several brands have shifted towards developing socially responsible toys.

Let us look into some examples:

Barbie dolls

Mattel Inc., the company producing Barbie dolls, has released a wide range of inclusive dolls which are different from conventional dolls. The company has introduced dolls of three sizes slim, broad and original. It has also released dolls in wheel chair as well as with artificial limb. The company has also tried to make it more inclusive by providing dolls in different skin tones, hair types and eye color. Apart from this, they have also introduced Moschino Barbie which caters towards boys, thereby breaking the stereotype that dolls are not meant for boys.


The company which sells building blocks have decided to make their products gender neutral after realizing the need for gender equality. It has also promised to shift from plastic packaging to other alternatives. The company’s initiative to produce sustainable bricks will also contribute towards reduction of carbon footprint of one of the biggest toy manufacturers.

Mega bloks Green Town Line

It is a set of carbon neutral construction toys for preschoolers. Mega Bloks bought carbon offsets from the Darkwood Forests conservation project in Canada to get this label. The manufacturers have specified that the toys are made from a minimum of 56% plant-based materials rather than plastic.


Hasbro is a company dealing with wide variety of toys and they adopt a whole lot of activities towards sustainability. Its major initiative is to replace plastic packaging with environmentally friendly materials. It also provides provisions for recycling the toys by collecting the toys and creating new toys from them. It also checks for the environment assessment of their suppliers.

Colors of the world- skin tone crayons

This is a pack of crayons which provides twenty-four shades. What makes it different from other crayons is that it has 24 skin colours from extra light to deepest. It helps to develop a sense of inclusion and generate a non-discriminatory mindset among the children. It helps children to realize that it is normal to have all shades of skin and not strive for achieving the so called “ideal” skin shade.

Similarly, several companies have initiated different measures to make their toys inclusive and climate conscious. The indigenous toys of our country could also be an alternative in this new era.

Being grownups, it is our duty to promote ethical products and thereby assist in positive concept formation of our upcoming generation.

Let us make use of the available resources and pave way for a compassionate, inclusive and climate conscious generation.

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