What is Leadership?


Leadership, according to Peter DeLisle, is the ability to influence others, with or without authority. All successful endeavors are the result of human effort; thus, the ability to influence others is a derivation of Interpersonal Communications, Conflict Management, Problem solving. Leadership is a direct function of three elements of interpersonal effectiveness.

  1. Awareness : Awareness is a state of consciousness. It is the ability to recognize yourself, others, events and situations in real time.
  2. Ability : Ability to learn and understand technical issues is the basis of our careers – Ability to communicate, Ability to resolve conflicts, Ability to solve problems and make decisions.
  3. Commitment : Taking decisions without recognizing the impact in both positive and negative manner. To be dedicated and keeping engage.

Attributes or Characteristics of Leader

  • Guiding vision : Effective leaders know their strength to pursue the objectives and achieve the goals.
  • Passion :Leaders have a positive outlook on who they are, and they love what they do.
  • Integrity : Leaders know who they are, effective leaders are also aware of their weaknesses. They only make promises they can follow through on.
  • Honesty : Leaders convey an aura of honesty in both their professional and their personal lives.
  • Trust : Effective leaders earn the trust of their followers and act on behalf of their followers.
  • Risk : Effective leaders take calculated risks when necessary, to achieve their objectives . They learn from the
    mistake and use it as an opportunity to explore other avenues.
  • Dedication : The effective leaders are dedicated to their charge. The leader gives himself or herself entirely to the task when it is necessary.

Leadership Styles

1) Persuasive Leadership
• Leader engage his team through cooperation.
• Explains projects and values, stimulates, encourages, mobilizes resources.
• Remains accountable for every decision.
• Flexible on methods, supports co-workers.

2) Authoritative Leadership
• An Authoritative leader is self committed , gives instructions, structures the team activities.
• Sets precise objectives, defines evaluation criteria, solely accountable for decisions.
• Does not accept co-workers requests, does not accept failure.
• Always decides- does not listen

3) Delegative Leadership
• Defines the rules, mission and the responsibilities
• Plans and organizes the teams activities.
• Gives autonomy, only when required.
• Fosters mutual respect through expertise.

4) Democratic Leadership:
• Supports team work and offers collective projects
• Always encourages the team members to express freely
• Takes into account the individuals needs
• Fosters positive work environment and engages his team in decision making process.

Tips for better Leadership
• Be a good role model.
• Be clear about your rules and expectations.
• Leave room for input.
• Reward employees for good behavior.
• Be liked.
• Stamp out ‘them and us’ culture
• Honor the business roots
• Be passionate, enthusiastic and proud• Communicate effectively.
• Know your limits
• Learn from the past
• Keep meetings productive
• Walk your talk
• Presentations
• Motivational skills

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