
Hello fellas, the following are some of the things that are created accidentally by the creators when they wanted to do something else.

  1. The Microwave Oven :
  • The engineer was doing his job as usual when he noticed that the candy bar in his pocket had melted. 
  • Quickly Spencer realized that it was the magnetrons that were causing this phenomenon. 
  • By 1945, he had filed a patent for his metal cooking box powered by microwaves.

2. Chocolate Chip Cookies :

  • Ruth Graves Wakefield, co-owner of the Toll House Inn, was preparing some chocolate cookies for her guests when she realized that she was out of baker’s chocolate. 
  • Thinking on her feet, Wakefield decided to chop up a block of Nestle semi-sweet chocolate, assuming that it would melt and spread evenly throughout the batter.
  • Instead, what came out of the oven was the very first batch of chocolate chip cookies.

3. Matches:

  • In 1826, chemist John Walker he accidentally scraped a stick coated in chemicals across his hearth and found that it caught fire.
  • Walker’s “Friction Lights,” as he called them, were originally made out of cardboard, but eventually he switched over to using wooden splints and sandpaper.

4. Vaseline:

  • Robert Augustus Chesebrough decided to head to the town where the product had been discovered to play around with it a bit.
  • While there, Chesebrough observed that the men drilling the petroleum would use a byproduct of the process on their skin to soothe and heal cuts and burns.
  • Later, he turned this observation into the product known today as Vaseline.

5. Bubble Wrap:

  • Engineers Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes did invent bubble wrap on purpose. But when they made it, the intended use for the product was all wallpaper, not as packing material.
  • when their bubbly wallpaper proved to be unsuccessful the two entrepreneurs decided to pivot and market their product instead as greenhouse insulation and later in 1960 as protective packaging. 
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