Advertisement Appeal


Advertising appeal is defined as strategies for grabbing the attention of people to persuade them to purchase a product or service. The approach can be a marketing or advertising strategy. Many advertisers commonly use appeals to influence their customers. It is also used so that people can support a cause. Appeals are customized for the target audience, and they speak to the interests of individuals and in their words or interest. The primary purpose is to entice them to take the action that is desired by the seller.

Brand appeal is for the customers or people who are brand conscious and have an individual inclination towards a particular brand. The primary objective of the brand appeal is to motivate people to buy a product because the product has an excellent brand. It gives the feeling of differentiation to the customer. Apple is an example whose products have brand appeal to its customers.

Sex is an attention catcher. It can be rarely used to promote your product. Sex appeal ads are used to convey a particular message to a selected group of audience. These days even deodorant ads and fragrant products also use sex appeal in them.

Some advertisements appeal to the sense of adventure and excitement of a person. The primary objective of these advertisements is to appeal to people that enthusiasm will be enhanced after they buy or use the product or service. The advertisements of energy drink use adventure appeal in them. It is often shown that the protagonist of the ad who is tired drinks the energy drink and achieves something almost impossible. He gets invigorated with energy, and because he consumed this product, his adventure was successful.

Bandwagon appeal involves making people feel that since everyone is buying the product, so they should too. The objective of bandwagon appeal is to ensure that the customer joins the bandwagon and starts using the product because everybody else is using it. It is known as persuasion by masses technique. Many direct to home cable services use bandwagon appeal in which they show that the entire neighbourhood is with a particular brand and why hasn’t the protagonist of the advertisement joined the bandwagon. They make him feel left out by not joining the bandwagon and show that he is happy after purchasing the product or service, ergo, after joining the bandwagon.

The fear appeal shows that adverse outcomes can happen because a particular action is not taken. Advertisements often use fear as a motivator to promote change. The fear tactic also involves isolation. With this technique, many kinds of toothpaste, deodorants, and anti-dandruff shampoos are advertised. It is shown that if people do not brush with their toothpaste, it will result in bad hygiene and foul mouth odour, which would lead to social isolation for the person. Similarly, if flakes of dandruff are seen on the shoulder of a person, then it may result in separation from the group. It is only after the consumption or use of the product that the person can avoid isolation and get a feeling of belongingness.

Some advertisements appeal to a person’s sense of humour. Human beings like to laugh and what can be a better type of attention-grabbing tool than humour, because humour helps people to remember a particular product or an idea. Humour appeal often try to build a positive association with their product or service. In many insurance advertisements, it can be seen that the customer is often shown the benefits of having insurance with the help of humour. However, humour should be carefully used so that it does not offend any group. Senior citizens often hate the idea in which they are portrayed as angry and grumpy on the other hand; women do not buy a product which shows them as overreacting. Usually, humour works for everyday products such as cell phones, alcoholic beverages, or fast food.

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