Affirmations for Being a Topper


An affirmation is a statement or proposition that is declared to be true. When said in the present tense, affirmations have a way of embedding these positive statements into our subconscious minds, making us feel truly empowered. By stating our goals and our desired feelings out loud, we are essentially speaking our ideal futures into existence.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

I am craving knowledge. I learn new stuff with enthusiasm.

I am a very consistent performer.

I learn everything I want to with ease.

I am very good at time management.

My emotional intelligence is at excellent level.

I always plan ahead. I plan all that happens in my life before hand.

Also I’m great at executing my plans.

I am very clear about what I want.

I choose everything rightly.

I love knowledge.

My friend circle is very motivating and we work towards constructive goals.

I set my goals and achieve them with confidence.

I know very well to manage my duties passion, hobbies, goals and entertainment.

I am very focused, I completely pay attention to the lectures. I respect the speaker’s feelings.

I am constantly being supported by all the good and positive powers and forces. I know they are here to help.

I value grades. They are too important for us. I get extraordinary grades.

I take criticism in a positive manner.

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