Aggressive Driving and Road Rage


For a long time, aggressive driving has been an issue on our roads, and it appears to be growing worse. Screaming, unpleasant gestures, and even violence have become commonplace on our highways, to the point where it has gained its own name: road rage. Find out what causes road rage, if you’re prone to it, and how you can help keep our roads safe by refusing to give in to it.

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After a series of shootings on many motorways throughout the city, local television station KTLA popularized the term “road rage.” The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines road rage as when a driver “commits moving traffic offences so as to endanger other persons or property; an assault with a motor vehicle or other dangerous weapon by the operator or passenger of one of one.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration distinguishes between road rage and aggressive driving, the former being a criminal offence and the latter a traffic violation, according to the NHTSA. The driver is held responsible in this definition.

Road Rage Factors

Here are some of the most typical circumstances that lead to road rage or aggressive driving behaviour.

Delays in traffic
Heavy traffic, waiting at stoplights, seeking for a parking spot, or even waiting for passengers can all contribute to a driver’s rage.

Late for a meeting
Drivers can become irritable if they are late for a meeting or appointment.

Drivers may feel more comfortable engaging in risky driving behavior’s such as tailgating, cutting people off, excessive honking, or making rude gestures if they believe they won’t see other drivers again.

Ignorance of others and the law
Some motorists may believe that the rules do not apply to them.

Learned or habitual conduct
Aggressive driving may be the norm for some drivers.

Forms of road rage

  • Tailgating
  • Yelling
  • Honking in anger
  • Making angry gestures
  • Trying to block another vehicle from changing lanes
  • Cutting off another vehicle on purpose
  • Getting out of the vehicle to confront another driver
  • Bumping or ramming another vehicle on purpose

How to avoid road rage

To protect yourself from aggressive drivers or if you become a victim of a road rage incident, make sure you have the right car insurance policy.

Take your time. Allow yourself plenty of time to get where you want to go; you’ll be less likely to become impatient and take unnecessary risks if you do.

Allow yourself to cool down. Take some time to relax if you’re upset.

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The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not list road rage as a mental disorder (DSM). The behaviours commonly associated with road rage, according to an article published by the Associated Press in June 2006, can be the result of an illness known as intermittent explosive disorder, which is recognised by the DSM.

Between 2001 and 2003, polls of 9,200 adults in the United States yielded this conclusion. The National Institute of Mental Health provided funding for the surveys.

Road rage is a serious offence that may be considered a threat to public safety. However, because it is not always feasible to determine purpose by external observation, “road ragers” who are caught by police may face additional charges such as careless or reckless driving, as well as a fine.

Road ragers are potentially criminals.

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