Angela Merkel: A legendary personality.


Angela Merkel was born in Hamburg on July 17th, 1954. She is a German politician and serving as a Chancellor of Germany since 2005. After completing her higher education from Templin in the year 1973, studied physics at Leipzig university amd graduated in the year 1978 and was awarded a doctorate in the year 1986. Since 1990, she is an active member of the Christian democratic union of Germany (CDU). From 1991-1998 she administered as a deputy chairwoman of the CDU.

Merkel spent 35 years of her life as a quantum chemist and worked at a research institute in Soviet-controlled East Germany until the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. This historic manifestation prompted Merkel to abandon the research field and develop an everlasting interest in politics. Merkel is the first woman and the first East German who, in the history of Germany, holds the nation highest elective office post.

She is straightforward, who doesn’t take too many risks that are the reason which makes her stand out in her long-serving political career. She never doubts her decision-making skills and believes in working quietly rather than standing in the political rallies and deliver long speeches to receive appreciation. She is a strong woman with high self-confidence and withstands death moments alone in her political career especially during the refugee crisis.

Merkel handled the refugee crisis with utter decisiveness that shaped the viewpoint of the world towards Europe and demonstrated how to act responsibly. She was viewed as “the woman who saved the dignity of Europe.”

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