Basics of Communication


Communication happens when there is exchange or transfer of information between people through channels. The main elements for communication to happen is when there is a sender, a receiver a message and feedback. Communication is a very important part of a daily life and without communicating one cannot just go on spending their life without it. The communicator needs to make sure that the receiver or the audience understands the information and has no confusion. The 10 most important elements of communication are sender receiver, message, feedback, context, effect, noise, encoding, decoding and channel.

• Sender:
Sender is the one who is sending all the messages he/she is the one who addresses the audience and is also called speaker. The sender needs to be an effective communicator for the audience to understand them clearly. The speaker needs to be bold and for about what he is trying to convey.

• Receiver:
Receiver is the person who receives the message. They are also called the audience. The understand what the speaker is trying to convey and try to implement or interpret whatever they have understood. They are the ones who are capable of questioning the speaker if they are doubtful of something.

• Message:
What the speaker and receiver are communicating about is known as the message. This is the element which holds all the information about what the speaker is trying to convey and what the receiver is trying to understand. Messages can be many type it doesn’t always have to be formal or informal. The message depends on the audience and the speaker.

• Channel:
Channel refers to the medium in which they are communicating. It could be through Television, radio and newspapers or even to face to face communication. The receiver will understand the message even more clearly if it is face to face communication as the receiver can clear the doubts immediately. It also depends on how effective the speaker is.

• Encoding:
Encoding happens in the mind of the speaker when a message is about to be sent to the the audience. Encoding is an important process as if the speaker does not encode his information properly then the audience will not know what they are learning and there will be confusion among the audience. This might lead to communication gap and few misunderstandings.

• Decoding:
When the information is received by the audience from the speaker, they start to decode the message. This process happens so that they understand the message properly and clear about what they learnt. Decoding is a process of understanding the message sent to them. If this does not happen then the audience will not know what the speaker is trying to convey which might create problems.

• Noise:
Communication is also called the barrier to communication. This happens when, if a person is communicating with someone and there is an external disturbance, it is termed as noise. It will come in different forms like humans or things or nature etc.

• Effect:
Effect is what impact has been left on the audience. We get to see the effect in communication with the listener reacts to that information given by the speaker. The better the speaker, the better the impact or effect.

• Feedback:
Feedback is what the sender received by the audience. The audience lets them know if they were impactful and thoughtful enough through this process of feedback. This helps the speaker to better or advance his talents and skills.

• Context:
Context is what the speaker is trying to refer to while giving the speech. If there is no context to the speech, then the entire speed has no meaning to it.

In communication, all the 10 elements are important and more than these, skills matter the most as if one is not skillful then no matter how useful the information is, it won’t leave the speaker in an effective way and it definitely will not reach the audience in an impactful manner.

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