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It is said “Health is wealth”. If health is lost, everything is lost. If health is i’ lost, the capacity to work is lost. Inability to work leads to poverty and misery. On the other hand, if we have health we are able to work and this, in turn, adds to our wealth. Therefore good health is one of the basic foundations on which our lives are built.

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Now-a-days, a good health is just like a boon given by the God. It is very fact that good health is real money of life. Good health is considered as the precious earning of a human throughout his/her life. If one has losses his health, he has lost all the charms of life. A good wealth can be earned anytime using a good health however; a good health can never be earned again in the life if once destroyed. In order to maintain a good health we need to do regular physical exercises, yoga, meditation, balanced food, good thoughts, cleanliness, personal hygiene, regular health check-ups, proper sleep, rest, etc. If one is healthy, he/she does not need spend money on his/her health in buying medicines or visiting doctors. A healthy person just needs to spend some money only on his health on regular basis. However, on the other hand a lazy, diseased or sluggish person needs to spend more money throughout his life

People generally become fail in their life to maintain a good health just because of their lazy and idle habits. They think that what they are doing is right but time has already gone whenever they understand their mistakes. A good health is one which keeps us healthy in all aspects like mentally, physically, socially and intellectually. A good health provides us freedom from all the sickness and diseases. A good health is the feeling of mental, physical and social well being. It is a costly and most precious gift of the life and necessary for living a purposeful life.

A good health reduces the stress level and promotes healthy life without any sufferings. We should always be aware of our health and go for regular health check-up. We should eat balanced food having fresh fruits, salad, green leafy vegetables, milk, egg, dahi, etc in timely manner in order to maintain the good health. A good health also need some daily physical activities, proper rest and sleep, cleanliness, healthy environment, fresh air and water, personal hygiene, etc. In order to reduce our rush between hospital and home, maintain a good health is better idea. Maintaining a good health is a good habit which should be practiced from childhood with the help of parents.

In earlier days, life was not so hectic. It was quite simple and free of too many challenges with healthy environment in comparison to these days. People were healthy as they had to perform all the daily routine activities by their own hand and body. But now, life in the technological world has become easy and comfortable but hectic because of the competitions. Now-a-days, easy life is not possible as everyone wants to earn more money to get better life than others. Now-a-days, living life has become costly and tough as well as unhealthy as everything like air, water, environment, food, etc has become contaminated, infected and polluted.

People have to work for at least 9 to 10 hours in the offices by just sitting on the chair without any physical movement. They come to home in the late evening or night and become too tired to perform any household work or exercise. Again in the morning they get up late from bed and do some necessary works like bath, brush, breakfast, etc and go to their office. In this way, they live their daily routine only to earn money and not their life for themselves. It is very necessary to earn money for fulfilling some basic needs however, it is also necessary to live a healthy and peaceful life which needs a good health.

You can maintain good health by following a balanced and healthy diet. Have a good lifestyle by balancing work and life. You should have a moderate physical fitness regime every day. Go for brisk walks regularly or do other forms of exercise. Also, meditate and be positive to take care of your mental health.


A healthy person can earn lots of money, however, an unhealthy person cannot because of the lack of motivation, interstates and concentration level. Money is the source to live a healthy life however good health is the source to live a happy and peaceful life. So, good health matters a lot, more than the money. We all should maintain our good health to be wealthy in real means.

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