
“Make mistakes. Learn from them, Move on”

  • Making mistakes is an “important part of life”. We learn from our mistakes.
  • Mistakes are the best lessons of our life. They are something that happens unintentionally and without the knowledge of a human being.
  • The only way mistakes can be avoided is to never do anything. Therefore, in my opinion it is necessary to make mistakes.
  • We learn about ourselves through our mistakes and even learn how to become a better citizen for the society.
  • Utilize our slips-ups as a going stone. Allow them to be lessons in how you can do things differently. They mould you to be the best version of yourself.
  • You can’t learn anything from a mistake until you admit that you’ve made it. So, take a deep breath and admit to yours, and then take ownership of it. Inform those who need to know, π”Έπ•‘π• π•π• π•˜π•šπ•«π•–, and tell them that you’re working on a solution
  • .Saying “sorry” takes courage, but it’s far better to come clean that ᡐⁱ˒ᡗᡃᡏᡉ˒
  • Yes ………. i made lot of mistakes in my life, sometimes due to wrong decisions that i have made. But i never regret my decisions beacuse i always knew that it was my choice. Rather than regretting i used to learn lesson out of it. 

Now i realized that my parents are my well wisher and never ever ignore their advice. Most important i came to know the value of my health.

I think everyone of us make mistakes and it is ok. At some point of life we make mistakes whether it is the smaller one or bigger one because man is the effigy of mistakes. But the most important thing is that we should learn from our mistakes and not to repeat it.

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