
Buddha gave eight principles to follow as his noble eight-fold path.

  1. Right Vision
  2. Right Aims
  3. Right Speech
  4. Right Action
  5. Right Livelihood
  6. Right Efforts
  7. Right Mindfulness and
  8. Right Meditation

Right vision:

Buddha meant that man should realize how sorrowful was this world for man’s greed’s , desires and selfishness. Man should, therefore, rise above for a new vision for his own happiness and for the happiness of all.

Right Aims:

Man should not run behind his power and wealth, and should not run for passion, pleasures and enjoyment. Instead, he should aim at loving other fellow men and giving them happiness.

Right Speech :

Man should give up falsehood, lies, criticism of others and quarrels which spoil the peace of others and of the society. Instead, man should be truthful in his words and friendly and kind in his talks. 

Right Action :

Man should avoid violence and killing, give up harmful acts like theft, and stealing, and instead could work for the good of all in a virtuous way.

Right Livelihood :

Buddha advised man to live by harmless means, not by selling or taking wine or butchering animals for himself or others. Instead, he should live an honest and simple life for peace within and peace outside.

Right Efforts:

Buddha meant a correct discipline in mind and action not for any evil thought or practice, but for a proper exercise towards all that was good. Man was asked to give up evil designs from his thought and to develop nobler feelings for better efforts.

Right Mindfulness :

Buddha wanted man to be conscious of the unrealities of his existence, unrealities of the body and the bodily pleasures, the meaninglessness of the worldly bonds and attachments. Instead, he was to search for the real happiness beyond the flesh and material existence which had no substance.

Right Meditation:

Buddha wanted man to concentrate his mind on the real truth of existence. It was necessary for the discipline and training of the mind towards the higher goal.

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