Confidence:a key to success?


Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities in a realistic and secure way. Yes, it is rightly said that confidence is the key to success. It is built on the choices and accomplishments that feed your passion, most of all making you happy and feeling proud on yourself.

It doesn’t mean to feel like superior from others or in any arrogant way but to believe in a positive manner that you’re capable. A confident person can achieve the goals and face the scenarios of life far better than those who lacks it.

The people who are confident enough are admired by others ,can take the risk , look up the situations positively and also inspire others.

” low self-confidence isn’t a life sentence. Self confidence can be learned , practiced and mastered- just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better”.

Barrie Davenport

Tips to be confident:

  1. It is obvious that if you don’t believe in yourself how do u expect any other person to do that ? Confidence begins to develop by the time of accomplishment of the goals. So GET THE THINGS DONE is the foremost step in which you are required to set-up your day-to-day goals and when you will achieve them, automatically you will have the confidence of doing it.
  2. Just setting up of the goals is not enough and there comes the second tip to MONITOR THE PROGRESS by which you can easily know how much you have achieved and also can make any changes in your goals if needed to satisfy them.
  3. The way you appear or dress have a significant impact on your confidence .So DRESS SMART , it is the international symbol of status and no matter where you live it is always preferable to bring more attractiveness and confidence in you.
  4. Here comes the role of a BODY LANGUAGE which plays more important role in judging the personality of a person. Behave in a manner which will present you more confident . Always walk tall ,have an eye contact while talking and be energetic.
  5. Find out your strengths and try to LEVERAGE YOUR STRENGTHS dont give much focuss on your shortcomings otherwise you will become less confident. Just know your areas of master and bring them to more upper level to increase them it will eventually help you to be more confident about yourself.

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