Constitutional provisions in education system


Constitutional provision in education


India got independence on 15 august 1947 at midnight. There was an urgent need for a constitution to lead the nation. Dr. Rajendra parsad was elected as the president of the constitutional committee. Dr. B. R . Ambedkar was the head of the drafting committee. Our constitution was enacted on 26 november 1949 and enforced on 26 January 1950. It took 2 years 11 month and 18 day to make our constitution. Our constitution has 6 fundamental rights and 20 directive principles in itself.  There were 365 articles and 6 seven fundamental rights initially. 

Our constitution has a preamble. It contains the summary of our whole constitution. 

Constitutional provision: The constitution provision is important for the recognition of access to information as a fundamental right. 

There are many constitutional provisions in the constitution which promote education in India. These constitutional provisions act as security for the people about the access of the rights related to education. There are mainly 11 constitutional provisions.  These articles are 45, 21A, 15(1) (3), 46, 25, 28 (1) (2) (3), 29, 30, 350-A, 351, 239 and  51(A). 

The constitution of India provides free and compulsory education till the age of 14. The 86th amendment of the constitution created the right to education. There would be no discrimintation on the basis of gender (article 15 (1). The constitution also promotes the education for women of weaker sections (46).  Article  21, 28 , 29 and 30 promotes religious education too. Article 51 states that minorities have the right to education. Noone will be discriminated against on the basis of religion, caste , gender or birth place. Article 350-A states that instruction would be in the mother tongue at primary stage. Article 351 promoted Hindi for its development and propagation. 

The government of India provided many provisions to frame a strong structure for the school environment. The aim of these provisions are holistic development of the people of India. The government of India wants to provide inclusive education to all. Many administrations were made for the development and watch out on the education system.  Education is also included in the concurrent list. 

There is a separate ministry for education at centre as well as state level.. The ministry works over the education structure, setting goals and achieving the aims by planning organisation and direction. The ministry of education at centre level directs, controls, and plans for the ministry at state level. The state level ministry works with the guidelines provided by the central government.

The central government also controls the action of private institutions.  The central government shares their funds on education with the state government. There are many pilot projects such as rural education, regional institutions for education and sarva shiksha abhiyan. 

There are three lists in the constitution which are divided as the concurrent, union and states list. The list consists of subjects. Every list has some entity about education. 

The whole constitution promotes education at every level. The preambles, articles and lists promote education at states and union territories level. 

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