

Everybody thinks that only stealing someone’s private data is Cyber Crime. But in defining terms we can say that ‘Cyber Crime refers to the use of an electronic device (computer, laptop, etc.) for stealing someone’s data or trying to harm them using a computer.

Computer related networks that involve the use of computers, networks and gadgets can be interconnected to a cyber crime. In such crimes, the security of networks, persons, institutions or a whole nation could be at risk and threat.

Speaking in a broad way we can say that Cyber Crime are categorized into four major types. These are Financial, Privacy, Hacking, and Cyber Terrorism.

Hackers steal confidential data in unethical ways and utilize this information and data for spurious purposes. Cyber crimes are high functional frauds that can wipe off big online financial transactions and transfer the entire amount into criminal accounts. It involves digital devices as tools or targets. It can be defined as an unlawful act that is done to harm someone.

In, hacking they intentional deface a website to cause damage or loss to the public or owner. Apart from that, they destroy or make changes in the existing websites to diminish its value.

In financial crime they steal the money of account holders. And they also steal the data of big companies in order to fulfil their desire or to seek revenge with someone.

In this age of technology and easy access to internet anyone can easily hack your PC or your system. No matter how useful the internet is, at the same time it has its own pros and cons as well. Many people think cyber crime refers to targeting people and stealing their money. However, that is not the case. Cyber crimes may include credit card frauds, voice phishing, distribution of viruses, cyber-stalking, child pornography, forgery, unauthorized access, etc.

To stop this highly spreading cyber crime and for the safety of netizens government has made several laws related to cyber crime. And they have also introduced several cyber cell departments, where we can complain about the fraud that has been committed against us.

But the thing is mostly people afraid of complaining about the fraud, which is not good. If a crime is committed we must go seek help from cyber cell department. They try to solve our problem as fast as possible.

Cyber crimes can bring down a person, an institution or even a whole nation with the breach of privacy. Cyber criminals use underdeveloped laws of the developing countries to manipulate records and remain anonymous. So we must stay alert.

Education and awareness are the initials steps taken to prevent cyber crimes from taking place. It is not like that we are waiting for someone to aware us, if we have internet then we also can learn about prevention against cyber crime on internet itself. We must not open any illegal link recklessly. We must also aware our loved ones who use internet. Download applications from trusted sources. Use encryption for your most sensitive files such as tax returns or financial records, make regular back-ups of all your important data, and store it in another location. And always stay alert.

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