Does Execution Simply Mean An Initiative?


“Dreams reach their final destination when executed.”

  • Amatullah P.

What exactly is Execution for you? A dictionary nerd would give the perfect definition of it but the ‘Dictionary of Business’ has a completely different meaning altogether. Let’s begin with the standard way and get you imagining!

Till now, we made you analyse the aftermath of building a company but this story will drag you into that internal process of thought!

It’s been a struggling journey all along. You are broke and want some source of income which is quite obvious. That is when your company is born because it has started occupying some space in your thought. Now, you plan towards executing its existence in the society. Of course, you don’t begin with that company motive in head. The first thought is always to go for a job wherein you receive ample experience from which you can learn and set up your own business. Let us consider that you are ready to begin your own company which means that you will now have to execute your motive. Executing here doesn’t simply mean initiating. Execution includes the proper steps you take into getting your company a success! Of course, you are not required to become an overnight news sensation. All you need to do is, just take the correct steps towards your company.

Execution means employing eligible employees for your company, being updated with the current market trends and coming up with suitable services, efficiently marketing your goods and services either through social media or any other network which is in exquisite demand during the given period of time! All the steps that you take which would guarantee success of your company come under the umbrella term Execution in business. Coming up with customer attractions like discounts, giveaways, buy 1 get 1 free offers are examples of perfectly executing your business in the smoothest way possible! You want people to buy your products and these attractions are sure to get the flies in the trap! Of course, the word ‘Trap’ shouldn’t be literally considered here because you don’t want to impose your services on people rather make them opt for those willingly and with love. That’s exactly why, Execution as a concept turns out to be handy!

The example of KFC has been discussed in the earlier article as well. How it started with the sale of chicken and became a widespread branch including more variety in food items which is the way they executed their business to make it run for a long long period of time. They considered the needs of people and came up with convenient offers to keep fuelling the company. Effective planning in short, is what we term as Execution. By this, you are not expected to lay down a prospectus with phenomenal ideas, all clashing into one another, making it difficult for you to decide! You are not expected to stretch a wide sheet of paper and jot down ideas from different sources. It’s because experience teaches you all but if you are a perfectionist then you are free to do so. There is no obligation in the negation! 😂

By now, you must have understood the key to effective functioning of a company which lies in the way you run it- Execution. Yes, execution is similar to initiation. Yes, execution is beginning the task but it also carries a deeper meaning wherein the way you begin that task, too is involved.

Thank You For Reading!

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