
In India, the marketing environment is shifting. From the last ten years to the present, the consumer marketing trend has shifted dramatically. In India, the local environment has altered in terms of infrastructural, social, and economic factors. The popularity of online marketing is growing across a wide range of people of various ages. E-commerce is growing as a new market that has the potential to contribute to economic progress. 


E-commerce is a platform for businesses and consumers to buy and sell goods and services through the internet. The term “electronic commerce” refers to the use of telecommunication networks to expand a company’s market and retain client relationships. “Businesses and their customers use e-commerce software to conduct transactions. Customers can order things, verify orders and track shipment, review prior transactions, reorder products, and manage their accounts with them 24 hours a day, seven days a week.” (From 2009 to 2012, Auburn See Wolf llc) 

India’s economic industry is on the rise and experiencing a growth spurt. The Online Travel Industry is one of India’s most important segments of ecommerce, and it is flourishing because to the country’s Internet-savvy urban populace. Private companies such as Make my trip, Clear trip, and Yatra were part of the online travel sector. The government has also launched IRCTC, an Indian Railways project that has proven to be successful. The online classifieds market is expanding as well. It is organized into three categories: employment, matrimonial, and real estate. Due to the fast development in the number of mobile users in India in recent years, mobile commerce is proving to be a robust and secure supplement to ecommerce. 

According to a research by the Internet and Mobile Association of India, India’s e-commerce business is growing at a 70 percent yearly rate and has increased by more than 500 percent since 2007. E-commerce and digital downloads are predicted to develop quicker, while online travel will continue to dominate the sector. The following are the primary sectors in the e-commerce industry: 

Travel- 51% 



Unique Features of E-commerce Technology:

1. E-Commerce: is Technology-Enabled: While traditional commerce has existed since the dawn of time, E-commerce is the result of the integration of digital technology into business processes and commercial transactions. Internet, WWW, and different protocols are the technological basis of E-commerce.

2. Virtual Communities: are online communities formed through the use of tools such as chat rooms and specially designed websites where people with common interests may connect with one another over the internet. 

3. Customization: The world is moving away from mass-production and toward mass-customization, thanks to the use of E-commerce technology. Product customization guarantees that goods are created to clients’ specifications and preferences. 

4. Intercommunication: E-commerce technology allows buyers and sellers to communicate in both directions. Firms can communicate with customers via E-commerce enabled websites on the one hand. Customers, on the other hand, can fill out order forms, provide comments, and contact with the companies who run the business. 

5. Universality: E-Commerce allows people to buy and sell things all over the world using websites. The websites are universal in that they may be accessed from anywhere in the world at any time.

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