Albert Einstein comes from a middle-class family. When he was born his
family started that something was wrong with him he had a very large and
misshapen head but unfortunately within the first few weeks the shape of
his head become normal but their worry didn’t stop when he was very
young his parents thought of him it intellectually disabled because he was
very slow too long to talk and did not speak until he was four years old at
that time in his thoughts but did not speak.

He used to practice the sentence
in his head or dumb topically under his breath until he got a right and then
say them aloud many people believe that anything would never succeed at anything when he was 5 years old his father shown in men simple pocket compass Einstein Boss fascinated and that was the beginning of his
opposition with science he also began playing the violin at 808 continue to
play throughout his life cool and still was a good student most of his grades
were and he was the top of his class but mainly because of Math and Science so history depends mostly on his interest in the subject when Einstein for only 10 years old he started educating himself by the age of 12
and 10 thought himself Euclidean geometry by the age of 15 him master calculus but he headed the disciplined and rigid type of the teachers so he dropped out of school at age 15 and left Germany to award Military Service his parents were worried that their son become a School dropout with no
employee office girls and not wearing promising future bed all bed and time
did not quit his education he applied to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology but believe it or not if fail the entrance exam Albert Einstein failed an exam he was not prepared He excelled in Math and physics that his knowledge on project other than that was not good so he failed the exam
and had to take it a second time and then he was admitted that he met his future wife, Mileva maric she was the only woman among the students in the graduation.

He would not get a job in the academy for almost A decade every one of these professionals knew that is that he was brilliant but they were also bothered by his Rebellious and disobedient side so
they refused to recommend him for various positions to the academic institution wouldn’t hear him bad in Einstein needed money so he got a job as a clerk in a patent office the job was mostly mindless and very easy for
increasing so he like the job because he had so much free time to study and Research while working there developed his most important theories while walking the boring job he developed the theory of relativity aunty world most famous equation e =MC2.
Einstein was nominated for a Nobel prize that did not receive it until 11 years later Albert Einstein become the most influential president of the 20 century his research changed the world Road hundred of books and was also a great philosopher so there are so many things to be learned I have no special talent I am only passionately curious to follow your curiosity whatever that is see where it goes never be afraid to coaching the world around you and don’t be afraid of falling and making mistakes along the way a person who never made a mistake tried anything new dark to discover and dark to make mistakes that what device such as per people from unsuccessful don’t be afraid to control your fear and don’t be afraid to follow your passion you don’t have to be the next Einstein be the best you can be to rise tomorrow and become a person you will be proud of the world is waiting for you.