
Ethos of Vedanta are based on supreme truth & supreme soul. If you do good to someone , you will get good . If you are good , the whole world is good to you . Management ethics is the ethical treatment of employees, stockholders, owners and the public by a company. A company, while needing to make a profit, should have good ethics. Employees should be treated well, whether they are employed here or overseas. By being respectful of the environment in the community a compound ethics, and good, honest records also show respect to stockholders and owners. Most of us would agree that it is ethics in practice that makes sense; just having it carefully drafted and redrafted in books may not serve the purpose. Of course all of us want businesses to be fair, clean and beneficial to the society. For that to happen, organizations need to abide by ethics or rule of law, engage themselves in fair practices and competition; all of which will benefit the consumer, the society and organization.

When ethics are used in management , organization grow at a different level .

In these days of globalization, Vedanta-based values will surely have to make a sympathetic assessment of values of those brought up according to Islamic or Christian faith. However desirable it may be to universalize the teachings culled from the Vedanta philosophy, ultimately one will have to find in that same school the lessons of co-existence with alien cultures and roots.

Ethics are about making choices that may not always feel good or seem like they benefit you but are the ‘right’ choices to make. They are the choices that are examples of ‘model citizen’ and are the examples of ‘golden rules’ like; don’t hurt, don’t steal, don’t be dishonest, don’t lie. But if we take Ethics as a subjective philosophy then what will happen to these golden rules. Especially at the time of facing any ethical dilemma how one should decide-what is ethical and what’s unethical? Organization provides rules, regulations, code of conduct, protocols which provide guidelines to work, it shows how to walk, but it does not show the correct path to walk on. Ethical dilemmas faced by managers are often more real to life and highly complex with no clear guidelines, whether in law or often in religion. Ethics gives us a message to always look forward , which gives a message to look at a long go . Ethics teaches a management the most important thing that is forward looking approach . With this forward looking approach , it teaches to be always true to the organization .

Some of the principles of Indian ethos are :

  1. Know who you are & what is your purpose of existence , this concept is used in management because a management’s main motive is to know what who they have to manage & what they have to deal through
  2. Holistic approach : We should behave with others in the manner which we expect from them . Effectiveness & efficiency of an organization increases when the employees are highly motivated.
  3. Service motive : A person should have service motive & at the same time should have a smiling face while providing that service . An organizations main motive is to provide service to other , & they should not be profit oriented .
  4. Self sacrifice : One should have self sacrifice attitude , means sacrificing self ego , & should always be helpful to others
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