Existing Unjust Laws for Women Across the Globe


No country in the world has succeeded in closing the gender gap. Its undeniably true that there’s never been a finer moment for women to be born because there are some sexist laws which are still prevailing. In this article we will know about the discriminatory laws against the women. 

  1. In India Wives can be raped by their husbands with no repercussions.

Starting with our very own country, non-consensual sex inside marriage is not considered a criminal offence or a kind of rape as long as the woman is over a particular age i.e 18 years old. Indian Government in a press release stated that due to various factors, such as levels of education/illiteracy, poverty, myriad social customs and values, religious beliefs, and the society’s mindset to treat marriage as a sacrament, the concept of marital rape, as understood internationally, cannot be appropriately applied in the Indian context.

2. Women may be slaughtered in the sake of “honor” in Jordan

There is no honor in murdering a spouse, daughter, sister, or niece for a supposed moral violation, yet far too many nations like Jordan continue to look the other way when killers use this as an excuse.Articles 340 and 98 of Jordan’s penal code allow judges to lower penalties in situations of murder committed in retaliation for adultery or in a fit of rage.

3. In Northern Nigeria, a man is permitted to strike his wife in order to “correct” her.

Intimate partner violence is legal as long as a husband can show that the beating is “for the purpose of correcting his wife” and does not cause “grievous physical harm.” Surprisingly, the same phrase defines “bodily damage” as injuries that need more than 21 days in the hospital. The Russian government just approved on a measure to decriminalize domes across the world. According to the new rule, first-time offenders would no longer face criminal penalties, while repeat offenders will be granted mercy if the abuse occurs “no more than once a year.”

4. Women in Saudi Arabia are still unable to get a passport without the consent of a man. 

Saudi Arabia may have been elected to the United Nations Women’s Council and recently reversed a prohibition on women driving, but it remains one of the least gender-equal countries in the world. Women in Saudi Arabia are still barred from getting a passport, marrying, or using some government services unless they get permission from a male guardian.

5.A lady may be imprisoned in Iran for disobeying the country’s stringent clothing code.

An instance can be highlighted on this issue when an Iranian lady was detained in 2016 after sharing a selfie of herself on Instagram without a hijab. The arrest drew increased attention to Iran’s stringent dress code, which mandates that women wear a hijab in public or face fines and up to a two-month prison sentence. In recent years, a website called My Stealthy Freedom has encouraged Iranian women to submit photographs of themselves with their heads uncovered in protest of the government’s policies.

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