

Feminism may be a movement that denotes the imbalance in society due to the unequal status of man and woman who are just like the two eyes within the face.

Like the bane of casteism in society, casteism which has created irrevocable divisions among people and which is that the greatest social evil, like religious intolerance, which may be a very unhealthy indication of man’s outlook, which creates cleavage between one segment of the population and another, the gender equation issue is assuming greater and greater proportions of gravity. The social awareness among women is that the indication of society’s advancement.

Spirited women whose blood boils as they’re mentally agitated by the domineering attitude of the lads folk who have long been nurtured within the unjust feeling that they’re superior, keep the flag flying. they need to flight to a finish and their unrelenting agitations for a change within the behavioral norms of the autocratic men folk will cause a far better order if not today but a minimum of within the near future.
Even now, even the enlightened aged women in society harass their daughters-in-law being far behind in time, being still during a bygone age when the mother-in-law and therefore the daughter-in-law clash was at its highest. The age-long confrontation between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law seems to be endless. Sometimes, a husband turns wild with anger at his meek wife and spurns her and spits on her.

Feminism may be a word that always finds an area within the newspapers and therefore the magazines. Feminism is that the subject of talk within the radio and therefore the television. Though the feminism is extremely active in countries just like the USA and Britain even there women are still given a back seat. it’s generally said that ladies belong to the weaker sex. they’re naturally gentle, soft-spoken and shy. But there are women who can outdo men in assertiveness, dominance and aggressiveness.

Nowadays the national scene has changed. There are many women graduates and postgraduates who are well-employed. they need begin into the social scene with a bang and therefore the day isn’t faraway once they will dominate the national scene. it’s true that ladies aren’t fit all types of jobs. Their presence within the military and therefore the police is restricted . But it’s very heartening to understand that there are all-women police stations. they’re as courageous as men. a number of the very best officers within the local department are women.
It is a long-standing demand that ladies should have equal opportunities in society as men. it’s incontrovertible fact that women criminals are ill-treated within the police lock-up and are sexually abused. they need to undergo the needs of the cops . In some offices they’re harassed by their colleagues. once they become meek they fall prey to the sexual instincts of the officers. In some homes the husband is extremely dominant and puts his wife to much embarrassment by his rude behaviour.

Women as a gaggle should raise their voices of protest against the injustices done to them. they ought to fight for his or her rights and will make men realize that they’re in no way inferior to them. they ought to fight till they’re treated equal with men in every department of life.

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