
True friendship is a way of being mutually lovable to each other! In fact every flourishing relationship has a whiff friendship into it. It’s that transparent and lucid bond between two people.

Friendship is all about  trust, emotional attachment, caring each other or compassion, responsible relationship, mutual support in both sadness and happiness and its sharing of all things between two peoples who emotionally attached with each other.

We do not have boundation to select our friends on any ground including caste, age, sex, creed or any such differentiation that exit within the society.

Friendship Day is a day in several countries for celebrating friendship.
In India, National friendship day is celebrated every year on first Sunday of August. This year the Indian Friendship Day will be celebrated on 1 August, 2021.

It was first proposed in 1958 in Paraguay as the “International Friendship Day“.
Friendship Day was originated by Joyce Hall, the founder of Hallmark cards in 1930, intended to be 2 August and a day when people celebrated their friendships by holiday celebrations.

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