Gender Pronouns.


Have you ever come across an Instagram/ social media bio, where the account has either she/her, his/him, they/them or he/she/they written and gotten confused as to why people are writing their pronouns on the Instagram page?

A bio or a social media bio typically means information about the person. 

A pronoun is a term that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a noun that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need to be named specifically. And the addition of pronouns helps not to misgender a person who isn’t gender conforming. 


Gender is not what you are assigned at birth, rather what you identify with. It refers to you as an individual psychologically, socially and emotionally. 

Using pronouns in social media bios help people with inclusivity. 

As kids, always in our English grammar class, we are taught to assume the gender of the person based on their physical form. But sometimes this assumption leads to be disrespectful and oppressive to people who don’t go by the pronouns assigned due to their appearance. 

As pronouns are connected to gender identity and a way for people to feel like their own person. Hence it’s important to always ask someone their pronouns and continue to call them by their pronouns even if they are not around.

If you are unsure about someone’s pronouns, all you have to do is ask them. And even if you misgender them, apologise and do not belittle and complain as to why you have to call them by their pronouns. Misgendering more often may lead to depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies. It invalidates their identity. 

For cisgender people, this may feel like stating the obvious at times. But here’s why it’s crucial: It isn’t appropriate for you. And, rather than dominating the conversation, it’s occasionally necessary to employ cis-privilege in a way that really contributes to equality. So, even if adding pronouns to your “Hello, my name is and these are my pronouns.” routine is a little odd at first, but stick with it. You’ll grow accustomed to it. When persons who are not cisgender use pronouns on a daily basis, they will eventually become less noticeable.

It’s worth mentioning though, that some individuals don’t feel comfortable declaring their gender pronouns publicly, and just because you announce yours it does not entitle you to everyone else’s.

Pronouns Dos and Donts:


1) Recognise that even cisgender people have pronouns. 

2) Remember that some people go by more than one set of pronouns. Ask people about the pronouns they use. 

3) Peoples pronouns may change regularly, hence it’s necessary to ask.

4) Consider using ways to make the language more gender-inclusive. 


1) Don’t describe to the pronouns are preferred, as it is not a preference. 

2) Don’t say, male pronouns and female pronouns. Pronouns are not necessarily tied to someone’s gender identity, as pronouns are not necessarily tied to someone’s gender identity.

Its is necessary to not misgender a person and be respectful to their pronoun.


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