Green Revolution



The introduction of high-yielding varieties of Indian seeds after 1965 and the increased use of fertilizers and irrigation are known collectively as the Indian Green Revolution. It provided the Increase in production needed to make India self-sufficient in food grains. The program was started with the help of the United States-based Rockefeller Foundation and was based on high-yielding varieties of wheat, rice, and other grains that had been developed In Mexico and in the Philippines. Of the high-yielding seeds, wheat produced the best results.

The green revolution is a term used to refer to the transfer of technology, to the agricultural sector that occurred in the late 1960s. This opened new horizons of scientific methods in agriculture, leading to better and more reliable crop yields. The Green Revolution mainly helped developing countries to meet their food requirements and strengthen the position of farmers.

The Green Revolution in India refers to the adoption of new agricultural techniques such as the use of high-yielding variety (HYV) seeds, irrigation facilities, tractors, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. An Indian geneticist and administrator M.S. Swaminathan a.k.a Mankombu Sambasivan Swaminathan is considered the father of the Green Revolution in India. It was under his guidance and supervision that high-yielding varieties of rice and wheat began to be cultivated in India. M. s. sight of. Swaminathan had to rid the world of hunger and poverty. Swaminathan actually called it the “Evergreen Revolution” and advocated sustainable development, sustainable agriculture, food security, and ending hunger and poverty. The Green Revolution started briefly in India in 1958 and greatly benefited farmers in Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh by introducing high-yielding varieties of wheat and rice.

Benefits of the green revolution:

1. Higher crop yield per region

2. Constant yield

3. Poverty reduction

Effects of Green Revolution  

1. Increase in production

2. Food Safety
3. Scientific practice
4. Industrial Development
5.  harmful to biodiversity
The Green Revolution brought a significant change in the world agricultural industry. This helped the developing countries greatly by improving their yield and its quality. Nevertheless, if we have to face the changing times, the Green Revolution needs to be improved regularly. The Green Revolution is a big name in the agricultural industry and has helped developing countries to meet their food needs and also boost their economical figures. As a result of greater and better crop yield, the social and economic condition of farmers has improved as a result of the Green Revolution. The farmer, who is a part of the Green Revolution, is more confident about his yield and his quality as well as his financial status.

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