Is it not interesting when you get income by pursuing your passion? Bloggers are people who write blogs and put forth their opinions or pen their thoughts which are incorporated into websites. While blogging was initially an opportunity to outbring an individuals writing skills like a diary or journal, it has grown more over the years from which you can even acquire income. These days blogging has taken in its form in a video material called video blog or video log condensed to vlog. Blogging has grown by 12% since 2015 and presently there are roughly over 1.9 billion web pages. Bloggers come up with a wide range of contents like food blogging, travel blogs, fashion blogs, fitness blogs, DIY blogs, finance blogs, business blogs, parenting, news blogs, gaming, and many such things that fascinates our interest. People visit such blogging pages when they are looking out for ideas and information about a particular area of field where there is a lack of grip and that’s where the blogging becomes a popular tool, bloggers bring the outside world more closer to us, of things which we may not be aware of and want to acquire knowledge about. This is how the bloggers bring traffic to their page and gain profit.
A blogger can earn anything between $100 and $10000 per month. On an average a typical blogger earns around $300-$400 per month. If the blogger is more experienced they can earn up to $30000 + also. There are various income streams and lets have a look at some of them.
- One of the most common ways to make money is affiliate marketing. It is just promoting other’s products on your blog and when someone makes a purchase of that product, you get paid for it, like a paid promotion not necessary that bloggers have to come up with their products/services.
- When you a have a large amount of followers on your page people offer advertisements and pay the website owners based on how many people have seen their ads. Cost per click ads are usually banners that bloggers place in their content/sidebar. Each time a reader clicks on the ad, they are paid for that click. Click per impression are ads that pay the bloggers a fixed amount of money based on the views.
- Bloggers also make ventures by introducing their own products through the websites and gain money by selling them online.
- Paid reviews are also one of the common modes of gaining income. This is making a review about the product that the bloggers use and get paid for making such reviews in their videos, the bloggers need to be mindful about the products reviewing on the blog.
- Launching online courses is a very consistent way to make income. It is a form of selling what you know which just needs an investment in time and work. The topics that can be covered in the online courses is very vast including language, educational courses, parenting, make up artistry, technology, marketing, finance etc.
- There are also social media applications which can provide you income just on the views you bring to your blogs or vlogs.
So there are numerous streams to make money through blogging. The most prominent factor to dwell as a successful blogger is the consistent work and the quality of content. You should have a well built connection and never be reluctant or cease building great connections, acquire adequate knowledge about the websites and the topic. It may take time to become successful in the field, all you need is endurance, real focus, SEO knowledge, flexibility, strong work ethics and be passionate and the victory is never afar.