" HOW I LEARNT KINDNESS " based on true incident .


It was a rainy day . The monsoon was on its peak , I was getting ready for my school as it was my economics exam . I need to reach at my school campus at 10:00 O’clock & my school was 3 km away. At 9:45 , I asked my father to drive me to my school as fast as he could . My father took his bike & asked me to come fast . I took my umbrella , we were just crossing our flooded streets , my father stopped hi bike , & asked me to see a girl . I saw that girl , she was from my school only . Dad said she was waiting for rikshaw & every one listening to me right now can imagine how difficult is to get rickshaws in rainy season. I was getting angry because I was getting late for my exam as i can’t afford to leave my exam . I asked him to leave that place. He said , if you are so much concerned about your exam she would also be . He stopped his bike in front of her , asked her to come with us . She got scared . I could feel what what she was feeling . Everybody’s parents aske them the same thing ” DON’T TALK TO STRANGERS”. I looked at her face , I was angry , but could feel that she want some assurance , I asked her to come with us , she hesitated , I said politely ” come ! we are from same school & your security is in my hand “. she smiled . she sat with me, I put my umbrella on her head .

i reached at my school gate at 10:10 , i came off from the bike , so did she . She ran towards the school gate as it was about to close. While she was running , she turned towards us & said ” Thankyou uncle , thankyou Didi ” . On that day I learnt kindness from my dad . Smile on her face can clearly tells us how grateful she was to us or she would have left her exam . If I would be at my dad’s place. I would never stop my bike as it was raining heavily & her daughter is continuously shouting on him to drive fast . But he did , I learnt a lesson that in this world which is full of people who care for themselves , we should be the one who care for others , we should be the one who care for others , we should be the one who have to look & sense others problem . I learnt that people are always concerned about their own problems like me , I was concerned about my exam only , but their are people who are looking at others & their are people who are concerned about others . We should devote few hours of our day to look for others problem , this is what I learnt on that day .

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