Humanism of R.N.Tagore Discovering Our Own Divinity


Tagore‘s religious verse as given in the Gitanjali gained in the wake of award of the Nobel Prize had let people believe that he is a writer of spirituality and mysticism. Tagore‘s humanism is connected with his spiritualism. His spiritualism does not make him reluctant of the world and man, but brings him nearest to the man and something above God too. According to Tagore, spiritual life is a human affair and salvation is not through renunciation but through love, beauty, and service.

Salvation through love:

Tagore believe that man can get God only when he is in love as love is the ultimate meaning of everything around us. Love is considered as the true nature of one personality. Tagore suggest his follower that for finding God it‘s not necessary to visit any religious place nor meditating works efficiently but in nature in humanity one perceive his God. He says that “To get the intimacy of supreme consciousness through love of nature, to perceive the form less inform that I call the way to liberation. I am fascinated by the nature, and in that I get the taste of salvation.” It was his believe that Divinity is inherent in real love. His pure thinking also suggest that internal God is existing in human heart, where the internal love goes on. So when we give or take love we say the glimpse of infinity.

Salvation through action:

Tagore says love demands certain actions towards the object of our love. One should feel as well as do something for love. Love is a complete feelings and it‘s perfect in knowledge, action, and renunciation. Tagore says that the Upanishads never forbade us to work because the sages knew that the freedom of work lies in joy and the freedom of joy lies in ‗work‘.

Salvation through worships of beauty:

Tagore‘s faith was one of the affirmations of acceptance of life with joy. He believes that God does not want the world to be cheerless and dead like a desert and man to be regret ascetics but he want love for humanity and love for the nature so that man can attain joy and experience the love of the Supreme Being. According to him, we can, feel the present of internal existing God in beauty and love which is defused in whole world. Our sense organ is created by God so that he can enjoy an experience the form, colour, beauty, taste which are revealed in the nature. Tagore never ignores the importance of body or senses. He wants to enjoy each and every moral object of the world. He believes that “To look upon the world as joyful it is not to become a slave of pleasure. Pleasure is finite in nature, but joy is divine and infinite.”

Humanity and Divinity according to him are not two different order but they expect of same reality. Tagore is empathetic in ascertaining that the Devine is also in certain respect human. Tagore’s thinking was different and he believes that “I want to see my God in the temple where there are no rites, rituals and rigid practices” For realizing God‘s present in one‘s heart the rites rituals and rigid practices are considered as obstacles. He says that “Religion of man in which the infinite is define in humanity.” One’s religion must be his approach in a truth and the actual meaning of true religion is one’s humanity. The religion of man should be become like a man, behave like a man and except the value of man as the man and to love humanity. He believes and spreads the meaning of pure religion is that which accept the unity of all people instead of their different in religious faith. He calls religion as a “united force “and it has a power to make a man rise above the society, country and sect and it can‘t be judged by rites, rituals and superstitions. According to Tagore, man‘s salvation live in freezing his personality from the narrow limitation of selfhood. Man‘s ego makes him self- center and all his activities directed to the satisfaction of his own self. His finite nature is only revealing them. Therefore we can see that Tagore salvation is not in renunciation of the world but in perfecting human personality, when we realize divinity in us, we achieve salvation within this earthly frame.

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