Informal Communication-Improve English Conversations


When we communicate with our family, friends, relatives or even strangers in a casual set up, it is called Informal communication. This includes exchange of casual words- views or opinions, ideas or other interactions where the intention is only to know the person or acquire some knowledge. It is not meant for formal expression or behaviour.

It is important that we communicate effectively even if we are in an informal set up. It gives an impact and creates an impression in the mind of the other person about you. Good communication helps you enhance your growth as an individual. There is some framework you would work upon in order to be a good communicator.

It is important that your message reaches the intended person the way you mean it. There are some behavioural patterns to be followed when you interact with somebody regardless of the person’s age or gender. The most important thing to keep in mind is to respect them.

  • Never use rude words with anyone. Always be calm and speak softly. Nobody likes a person who is aggressive and harsh in his/her behaviour.

Whenever you are talking with somebody, give that person the time to complete his point. Listen carefully to what the other person is trying to convey through his words to you.

  • Never jump in between a conversation or disturb/stop somebody in-between. Let them complete and then you speak.

Keep your lines precise and avoid useless information or words which may lengthen the message and the real meaning gets lost.

  • Avoid jargon so as to make the message understandable. Also, speak only what is necessary. Speaking out unnecessary stuff may get your real message lost in the conversation.

Your body language should go with what you are conveying to the speaker/listener. The other person should not feel you are trying to dominate him/her.

  • Don’t be too loud with your body language when you are speaking and express your alertness through your body language while listening to somebody. It will assure the person of interaction from your side.
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on

The way you address the other person is important in deciding the response you will get from him/her. It is also the case of a formal discussion or conversation.

It is all upto you that how well you express yourself in front of others, the similar response you will get! Also, you should take into consideration whom are you talking with. This simply focus on the personality or behaviour of the person you are trying to communicate.

It is often a problem that people don’t know how to start a conversation with a stranger or a high official person. Making new friends is included in this. Since English as a language is preferred all across , the basics you can start with is to address the person saying hello, with a smile or in the formal manner(good morning) as the case may be. Initiate with what you want to say, with clarity of thought. Don’t mix up your words and make sure the person is listening to you and is interested in continuing the talk. There needs to be some common topics to make up a friend otherwise you won’t get expected response.

The way you address should be in accordance with the personality of the person; whether he/she accept frank behaviour or likes to talk about information, entertainment, etc. All such aspects help ending up with an engaging conversation. There might be people who don’t like talking much. In that situation, you avoid it and let them have their space.

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