  • Girls like guys with a sense of humor and hate guys who always brag about themselves. 
  • Girls can either jokingly or seriously get jealous over your pubg game. 
  • It is really hard to trace why girls are unpredictable.
  • Girls spend one year of their lifetime just in deciding what to wear. 
  • A girl cannot keep a secret for more than 47 hours. 
  • Instead of a girl telling her feelings to a guy, her favorite song would convey it better. 
  • Girls usually compete unconsciously among themselves especially when it comes to beauty.
  • A woman can tolerate double the pain compared to a man.
  • Girls spend 120 hours in a year looking at themselves in the mirror.
  • In every 100 girls, only one would become the wife of her lover, remaining 99 would remain as passwords for Gmail and Facebook accounts of their lovers.
  • You should let her cool first before you say sorry, otherwise, she won’t accept your apology. 
  • Girls like guys who can protect and defend them.
  • If a girl says “no” believe her. She wouldn’t give you a no if she likes you.
  • Girls love receiving letters and surprises. 
  • When a girl is talking and if a boy says ”OK bye”, they hate him a lot. 
  • Girls like boys who ask for advice.
  • Girls hate it when you make them wait. 
  • If you’re thinking that girls are very particular with a guy’s looks, then its time for you to make a shift. It’s the attitude that they fall for
  • There is no guarantee that a girl would get impressed however we respect her, praise her, love her and care for her, but in the case of guys sly leer and a smile would suffice.
  • There would be a dark secret in every girl’s life which is not even shared with her best friend. 
  • Girls don’t enjoy talking dirty as much guys do.
  • Girls love to feel special even though they might not show it.
  • Being serious can turn a girl off.
  • When a guy says something really sentimental, a girl will remember it forever and ever.
  • Girls know how to control their emotions.
  • Girls daydream about their Crushs all the time even though they don’t show it.
  • Girls like to hear compliments, but usually not have to react to them.
  • Don’t try to guess girls feeling, Ask her.
  • If a girl calls you or expect a call from you stay with her.
  • Hearing the words “I love you” to a girl is great expression to agirl that she is beautiful.
  • Girls want nothing more than to feel love.

As humans, Women’s are beautiful, incredible, and powerful in their own right. They can achieve anything they set their minds to. Having to deal with oppression and inequality for centuries, there have been a ton of things women have had to fight for and change the future for succeeding generations of equally amazing women. therefore we should respect women.

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