Is Russia Banned From Olympics??


If you are following Tokyo Olympics 2020 closely, you might notice that there is no name of Russia instead you will find acronym ROC ( Russian Olympic Committee) . Even at the inauguration ceremony Russian flag was slightly modified and represented. Why is this so?? Is Russia banned from Olympics?? Here’s what to know—

In December 2019 World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) banned Russia from participating in any international events for four years. It was after the new revelation came up about a doping programme that Russia had been accused of. Many whistleblower and investigator reported that Russia had been running dope programme for many years in order to reach new heights. This investigation was going on for many years and in September 2018 WADA promised to lift the sanction only at the condition that Russia will hand over the data of athletes , so that thorough check could be done on them. Later Russia had been found tempering with the data, which led to the banning of Russia for 4 years.

It all started when in 2014 , 800 m runner of Russia ,Yolia Stepanova and her husband , who was the former employee of Russian Anti Doping Agency revealed that sophisticated doping programmes had been running in sports history of Russia. Two years later , another whistle blower – Grigory Rodchaenkov , a former head of RUSADA revealed the same.

This is the reason why ,though 335 sportsmen from Russia are participating in Olympics this year, they are refrained from using country’s name , flag and even national anthem. These are only the athletes that have been found having no relation with doping programmes. Russia is not only banned from Olympics but also from Fifa World Cup 2022 and Winter Olympics that will be held in 2022.

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