Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope


• The invention of the microscope has opened up a whole new dimension in science. By using microscopes scientists were able to discover the existence of microorganisms, study the structure of cells, and see the smallest parts of plants, animals, and fungi.

Today, the microscope is still a commonly used tool to diagnosis illness in hospitals and clinics all over the world.

• Since their original invention, microscopes have moved beyond the simple visible light refracting lenses.

Electrons, x-rays, and infrared rays are used by far more sophisticated and expensive microscopes to detect even smaller and smaller structures. Scanning electron microscopes are able to resolve viruses, which are far smaller than any cell.

The most familiar type of microscope is the optical, or light, microscope, in which glass lenses are used to form the image. …… Other types of microscopes use the wave nature of various physical processes.

The most important is the electron microscope, which uses a beam of electrons in its image formation. A microscope is an instrument that makes an enlarged image of a small object, thus revealing details too small to be seen by the unaided eye.

Simple Microscope – contains only one lens.

Ex. Magnifying glass.

Compound light microscope – a system of two lens that work together.

Electron microscopes – uses electrons to provide detailed views of specimens.

Ex. TEM and SEM

Dissecting microscope – allows for the viewing of specimens without the use of slide.

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