Medicinal plants


India is rich in its flora fauna, one of the advantages that this brings is ample variety of medicinal plants in different Indian terrains. The use of medicinal herbs can be traced back before prehistoric time. The presence and use of Ayurveda in treatment is mentioned in the literature and this knowledge is used to develop medicine and treatment techniques that are effective.
When COVID was at its peak people in India preferred Kardha and as prevention added herbs that have medicinal property in the food and beverages consumed on daily bases. Here is a list of some very common yet very useful medicinal plants-

• Tulsi (Holy Basil)
Holy Basil or Tulsi is a flowering plant that can be found in almost every India household, it is worshipped in Hinduism and is among the top medicinal herbs. The plant has few varieties and is widely available, it has aromatic leaves and beautiful green colour. It is used since ancient times in medicine making and treatments. Its medical property can help prevent common cough and cold etc.

• Sandal wood
Sandal wood also known as Chandan in Hindi is another aromatic variety that is used mainly in making medicine, sandalwood perfumes are quite famous but, additionally it also help in treatment of fever, urinary track infection, liver, cardiovascular diseases etc.
Sandalwood has multiple uses It is used in Hindu rituals and sometimes as a flavouring agent in food and beverages. Many products are made using sandal wood like- sandalwood oil, sandalwood powder etc thus, it is available in different forms.

• Turmeric
You must have heard of the colour Turmeric yellow; its yellow colour is its identity. The colour is extracted, and turmeric has many health benefits, as it is good for heart and prevent against serious diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s. it is used in making medicine and easily available, apart from this it is good for skin when used in home -made face pack, keeps the blood sugar stable, and prevents inflammation.

• Neem
Neem trees are often known to provide clean and fresh environment wherever they are planted. The green leaves and bitter taste of neem are its identity. The most popular variety in medicinal plant used in treatment and even products like shampoo and soap, it has anti- bacterial quality it can treat skin ulcers, gum problems, improves body metabolism, cuts body fat etc. it is used in Ayurveda since a long time and the leaves, the bark of neem tree both are very useful. It is available in the form of powder, paste or can be used directly.

Cinnamon is known as daalchini in Hindi, it looks like rolled pieces of wood, and has its own aroma, it has multiple uses and is also available in the form of powder, often used in cooking and baking. Cinnamon can give relief from digestion related problems and can prevent the body from bacteria and fungal infections, good for patients with type 2 diabetes it is anti-inflammatory and contains antioxidants as well.

The list is very long if we start counting and each medicinal plant or herb has its own unique quality. It is no less than a blessing of mother earth that we have access to such wide variety of resources.

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