

Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information. There are three major processes involved in memory: encoding, storage, and retrieval. Human memory involves the ability to both preserve and recover information we have learned or experienced.

The term memory denotes a specific brain function of storing and retrieving of informations related to experiences.Tge duration of memory varies from few seconds or hours,to several years.

Types of memory

⭐Sensory memory:It means the ability to retain sensory signals in the sensory areas of the brain for a short interval of time following the actual sensory experience.This is the initial stage of memory process.

⭐ Primary memory:It is the memory of facts,words, numbers,letters,or other information.The information in this memory is instantaneously made available so that a person need not search through his or her mind for it.

⭐ Secondary memory:It is the storage in the brain of information that can be recalled at some later time(hours,days,months or years later).This is also called long term memory,fixed memory or permanent memory.

Physiology of memory: Certain anatomical, physical or chemical changes occur in the pre synaptic terminals or perhaps in whole neurons that permanently facilitated the transmission of impulses at the synapses.

All the synapses are thus facilitated in a thought circuit.This circuit can be re excited by any one of many diverse signals at later dates thereby causing memory.The overall facilitated circuit is called a memory engram or a memory trace.

Amnesia: Amnesia means memory loss.It is the inability to recall memories from the past.

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