Network :


🌟A large numver of computers are interconnected by copper wire, fiber optic cable, microwave and infrared or though satellite.
🌟A system consisting of connected nodes made to share data, hardware and software is called a Computer Network.

Application of Network:

The following are the areas where computer networks are employed.

🔸️Electronic data interchange
🔸️Cellular telephone
🔸️Cable Television
🔸️Financial services, marketing and sales
🔸️Reservation of Airlines, trains, theater and busses
🔸️Internet banking

Several educational institutions, businesses and other organizations have discovered the benefits of computer networks. Users can share data and programmes. They can co-operate on projects to maximize the usage of available expertise and talent.

Benefits of Network:

🔹️Effective handling of personal communications
🔹️Allowing several users to access simultaneously important programs and data.
🔹️Making it easy for the users to keep all critical data ok shared storage device and safeguard the data.
🔹️Allowing people to share costly equipment.

The computer communication should ensure safe, secure and reliable data transfer.

🌟Safe : The data received is the same as the data sent
🌟Secure : The data being transferred cannot be damaged either will fully or accidentally.
🌟Reliable : Both the sender and the receiver knows the state of the data sent. Thus the sender knows whether the receiver got the correct data or not.

Some Important Reasons for Networking:

♦️Sharing of resources : Primarily goal of a computer network is to share resources. For example several PCs can be connected to a single expensive line printer.

♦️Sharing information : Information on a single computer can be accessed by other computers in the network. Duplication of data file on separate PCs can be avoided.

♦️Communication : When several PCs are connected to each other, messages can be sent and received. From a remote location, a mobile salesman can relay Important messages to the central office regarding orders. Relevant databases are updated and the business commitment are fulfilled.

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