Nutritious Mango:


Mango is the king of all fruits. It is widely famous fruit in world. It is a very mouth watering ,flavorful and nutritious fruit. Mangifera indica is the scientific species name of mango. Its origin was initially southern east Asia, but now mango is available in every corner of world.

Some famous variety of mango:

In India:

i.             Alphonso Hapoos mangoes from Maharashtra.

Alphonso Hapoos mangoes

ii.            Kesar mangoes from Gujarat.

iii.           Himsagar from West Bengal.

Himsagar Mangoes

iv.           Badami mangoes from Karnataka.

v.            Bombay green mangoes from Punjab.

vi.           Bangnapalli from Andhra Pradesh.

Bangnapalli Mangoes

In the Whole World:

i.             Alphonso from Maharashtra, India.

ii.            Carabao or Manila mangoes from Philippines.

Carabao or Manila mangoes

iii.           Diamond Solitaire mango from Myanmar.

iv.           Hayden from USA.

Hayden or Haden Mango

v.            Julie from cab bean.

‘Julie’ mango

vi.           Kensington Pride from Australia.

they are not the only variety in the world. There are many more.

How to eat Mango: Mango can be eaten raw and ripe. Raw mango is originally sour and crunchy but some types of raw mango  can be sweet. Ripe mango can be sweet sour, creamy and soft. Ripe Mango juice is very good for our health apart from juice, various dishes like chutney, desert, sweets and other dishes can be made from raw and ripe mango.

Raw mango & Chutney
Mango Pickle

Nutrition value: Mango is one of the nutritious fruits. Let’s see the nutritional value of mango

a)            100-gram mango contains –

i.             13.7 gm of Sugars.

ii.            1.6 G of dietary fibre.

iii.           0.82 gram of protein.

iv.           0.38 gram of Fat.

v.            mango contains various vitamins –

a.    54 micrograms of Vitamin A.

b.    640 microgram of Beta carotene.

c.    0.02 mg of Vitamin B10 thiamine.

d.    0.03 mg of Vitamin B2 or riboflavin.

e.    0.67 mg of vitamin B3 or niacin.

f.     0.2 mg of vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid.

g.    0.12 mg of Vitamin B6.

h.    43 microgram of Vitamin B9 or folate.

i.     4.2 microgram of vitamin K.

j.     7.6 mg of choline.

k.    0.9 mg of Vitamin E.

l.     36 mg of Vitamin C

vi.           various minerals are also present –

a.    11 mg of calcium (Ca).

b.    0.1 mg of copper (Cu).

c.    1 mg of sodium (Na).

d.    14 mg of phosphorus (P).

e.    10 mg of magnesium (Mg).

f.     168 mg of potassium(K).

g.    0.06 mg of manganese (Mn).

h.    0.09 mg of zinc (Zn).

vii.          Mango contains lot of water. Almost 83.5 gm water is available from 100 gm mango.

viii.         We can get almost 250 kilojoule or 60 kcal energy from 100-gram Mango.

ix.           Mango contains high number of polyphenols which is an antioxidant.

x.            Amylases and some digestive enzymes.

Mango Juice

Health benefit:

i.  Mango contains various types of antioxidants or polyphenol specially mangiferin (which is also called super antioxidant). These antioxidants prevent the free radical from damaging our body cell which fight against aging and chronical disease

ii. By a research of 2014 in Japan mango can reduce the risk chance of colon cancer as mango contain lot of amount beta carotenoid, beta carotene also prevents skin cancer.

iii. Magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) are important minerals for blood vessels pulse and blood pressure level and these two minerals present in mango. Mangiferin is also supervise the heart health. Mango helps to decrease the high blood pressure level.

iv. According to research study in 2014 and the mouse study in 2019 frozen dried mango helps to reduce blood sugar level for obesity and diabetic patients.

v. Vitamin A is important for body tissue growth in Skin, hair and in other part of our body. Vitamin C provide to develop collagen, which is important for hair and skin. Vitamin A and Vitamin C are present in mango in huge amount.

vi. Mango contains amylases and some other digestive enzymes which improves the digestive system of our body by breaking down the large molecules.

vii. Vitamin A which is exist mango fends off the infection risk. Vitamin K, some of Vitamin B also helps to boost immunity.

viii. Mango have lutein and zeaxanthin antioxidants, which is important for our retina and macula. So, mango is very good for our vision health and eyes.

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