Palliative care is need of Lifeline


End of life care includes Palliative care . If you have an illness that cannot be cured, Palliative care makes you as comfortable as possible , By managing your pain and other distressing symptoms . It also involves psychological , social and spiritual support for you and your family or careers . End of life care provides proactive palliative care services at home , symptom management to individuals in advanced stages of illness. End-of-life care addresses the medical, physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the patient . It helps patients enjoy the comforts of home and family, draw on social and emotional support, and manage symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, nausea, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite and inability to sleep. Many patients and their families find that the emotional support and management of physical symptoms provided by end-of-life care, can make a huge difference in the equality of life of a patient in his last days of life. End-of-life care is available for patients with advanced life -limiting conditions of any type, including end-stage demetia , AIDS, heart disease or emphysema- as well as cancer. Our Ends-of-life care teams work together with the patient, family and the patients physician to: improve quality of life; relieve physical, emotional and spiritual distress; provide an individual plan of care ; and give support to family members. It includes full-time physicians who has experience in palliative care. Nurses with special training in palliative care. Social workers with understanding of understanding of special conditions of palliative care. Dietitians, home health aides and therapists who specialize in complementary medicine. Spiritual care counselors.

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