

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work” — Stephen King.

We all are possessed with the mixture of both the good and bad kind of qualities. Procrastination is one such thing which is impregnated in all of us, while we tend to gain something from our daily experiences. It is the act of delaying an important task for the sake of trivial matters. It can restrict one’s potential and undermine one’s career. Some tend to avoid any important meetings, some delay their work schedule and these people cannot reach the higher levels in their life.

Re-scheduling the works would inhibit the growth of oneself. It would lead one to loose their opportunities, affects the outcomes of the accomplished task and would also spoil one’s name. It really takes one to move backward, rather being prudent and moving forward. If one meets a person at 11.00 clock, who is supposed to meet at 10.00; then how would the other trust him/her?he value of time is important to be acknowledged. Each and every second that one go through in a leisure manner, is the time whence, others would be achieving something in some corner. There is something that a person should always consider and, it is known as the other end. We may take privilege upon our tasks and time but the particular thing has its own time to be done; or the other person who is involved may have many other works to be finished and they really don’t waste their time for anyone’s sake.

“Time is a storm in which we all are lost”, said by William Carlos Williams. The value of time is important to be acknowledged. Each and every second that one go through in a leisure manner, is the time whence, others would be achieving something in some corner. There is something that a person should always consider and, it is known as the other end. We may take privilege upon our tasks and time but the particular thing has its own time to be done; or the other person who is involved may have many other works to be finished and they really don’t waste their time for anyone’s sake.

Some reasons for the procrastination of works are : perceiving that the work is hard, fear of getting adapted to a new thing, exhaustion, annoying or uninteresting tasks, fetching for easier tasks, raunchy and carelessness.

Here are few steps to avoid procrastination: The work that should be done today, should not be delayed for the next day. The harder or boring work should be given the first preference, so that it would be finished off. One should always have in their mind that being responsible in our work is linked with our growth and success.

Those who procrastinate their task would lose their happiness and growth. Successful people won’t delay their task as they really long to taste it.

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