Smoking Should be Banned


The number of persons who smoke has risen steadily throughout time. Even if they are aware of the dangers of smoking, they continue to do so. It is a very addicting habit and a personal choice. Smokers make the decision to expose themselves to the health hazards associated with smoking. It is not for the government or any other third party to decide whether or not a person may smoke. Smoking, on the other hand, has detrimental consequences on those who do not smoke. It also affects those who live in close proximity to smokers, because when people smoke in public, the smoke spreads throughout the atmosphere, and the harmful effects of this smoke affect all living, breathing animals.As a result, all public locations should prohibit smoking.

Smokers set a negative example by smoking in public. In their growing periods, children are easily influenced. Because infants are unable to distinguish between right and wrong, they copy those around them. As a result, they believe that the activities they witness are as things should be. Furthermore, teenagers who observe others smoking in public view it as a model to follow and begin smoking themselves. People copy the actions of others as they see them in their daily lives, according to the phrase “monkey see, monkey do.” Smoking is considered “cool” by teenagers. It reinforces their sense in the “coolness” of smoking when they observe adults doing it on the streets. Some youngsters believe that smoking is a sign of maturity and adulthood. As a result of seeing other people smoke in public areas, more teenagers are starting to smoke.

Tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Smoking is an addiction because of this. As a result, a smoker’s ability to quit is hampered by nicotine. As a result, a person will grow accustomed to nicotine to the point where he or she will need to smoke to feel normal. Smoking should be prohibited for a variety of reasons. It affects nearly all of the body’s organs. Cigarette smoking is responsible for 87 percent of lung cancer fatalities, as well as a variety of other cancers and health issues. Furthermore, smoking is blamed for the mortality of infants born to pregnant women. People who live near smokers, on the other hand, become secondary smokers, inhaling the smoke and developing the same health issues as smokers. Cannabis withdrawal symptoms include despair, insomnia, frustration, anger, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and restlessness, even though it is not generally smoked.

Smoking prohibitions reduce the number of smokers in general: Every year, smoking causes 700.000 premature deaths in Europe as a result of increased cancer, cardiovascular, and respiratory disease risks. All EU countries have implemented smoke-free environments, as proposed by the European Council in 2009. In the first ten years after the prohibitions were enacted, there were 1.9 million fewer smokers in the UK alone.

Passive smoking is reduced: Toxic vapours are harmful not only to the person who is actively smoking a cigarette, but also to others who are exposed to them. Secondhand smoke kills around 1.2 million people prematurely every year around the world. Nonsmokers are substantially less exposed to hazardous gases in public areas thanks to smoking prohibitions.

Governments will have less tax revenue: Tobacco is subject to high taxes across Europe, albeit the exact rate of taxation varies by member state. Governments make a lot of money this way. If smoking prohibitions result in fewer cigarette sales, governments may see a decrease in tobacco tax revenue.


The researchers found 35 tobacco compounds in the movie theatre, including recognized carcinogens including benzene, formaldehyde, and acrolein. Although the long-term health effects of breathing in third-hand smoke are unknown, most public health experts agree that there is no such thing as a safe level of cigarette smoke exposure, according to Gentner. According to Gentner, the findings suggest that measures designed to protect non-smokers from second-hand smoke, such as prohibiting people from smoking within certain distances of buildings, should be expanded to protect people from third-hand smoke as well.

Parents who smoke outside their houses to protect their children from hazardous tobacco chemicals should be aware that “the toxins from their cigarettes do not stay totally outside,” according to Gentner, and that parents “remain a source of those chemicals when they come back inside.”

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