Subjects to be incorporated in the school curriculum


Education is more than a black board and ahead of the school text books. Woefully education has just been dumped and limited to the curriculum followed in schools which comprises science, math enrichment singapore, social science, and languages. These five subjects cannot solely provide the skills required for the career of every individual in the long run. Although the above subjects frame a basic foundation for the students, education is beyond this small circle. It should facilitate quality learning all through the life which should be enduring. Education should be concentrated on a wide range of fields and provide platforms to exhibit the potentials of students across various sectors. Co curricular and extra curricular subjects are also very salient to be emboldened by the school managements to formulate a better path for the students. Let us take a look on some of the topics that could be enhanced and introduced in the school curriculum.

Physical training is a course taught in schools that focuses on developing physical fitness and it also promotes the student’s interests towards the various sports activities. In most of the schools this subject would be scheduled just one/ two periods per week and the students would be earnestly waiting for this period to arrive because this also acts an area of relaxation form the other tedious subjects. The sad reality is, the allotted two periods would also be taken away/borrowed sometimes by the other subject teachers. We take much pride if a person from our country/ state represents himself/herself in the Olympics. But the struggle faced by each individual to achieve such an eminent position is very challenging and they have to undertake trainings externally and some cannot afford to do so. Some even fail to take the opportunity due to the lack of training and guidance. Physical training should be given equal importance as the other subjects and if this is regularized in schools we can perceive many astounding talents.

Value education is the subject that inculcates moral values in students which aids them to shimmer in the society. Education without the social values is fruitless and ineffectual. The basic etiquettes taught will transform the students into better humans. It includes interpersonal developments, social mannerisms which develops students into a sensible person with strong character and values. The purpose of value-based education is to make the student work with the right attitude and standards to face the outside world. Value education helps students to become more responsive and practical. In some schools this subject is just concentrated at the time of exam. The objective is not only to recognize the values but also to reflect them in their behavior and attitudes.

Arts – Arts education encompasses a range of activities that help students with the development of motor skills, language skills, communication, inventiveness, problem solving skills etc. It stimulates the imagination and fuels it. It is a process of learning to create ourselves and supports the bigger view of life. These activities and experience help students to make sense of the world. This can boost the inner confidence in them to involve in productive works of their interest.

Computer knowledge Computer science is a subject in some schools only in the higher secondary education. The contemporary world being digitalized in all forms it is requisite to educate the computer knowledge form the early stages of life. This would be very helpful for the students to get along with the technologies and also in dealing with future projects and presentations.

Mindfulness (yoga) The stress of being a teenager should not be underestimated. Mental health is equally important as physical fitness. Mindfulness can develop skills for concentration and impulse control. Yoga, simple meditation and breathing skills will help in an efficient way for the younger minds to work more effectively. These classes could be taken for at least a period of 15 min to 30 min before the regular classes. It reduces and eliminates stress. It augments self esteem and empowerment. Mindfulness improves the student’s cognitive performance and better emotional and social intelligence.

The above topics and many other related subjects could be intensified and augmented in the school curriculum for a mindful and efficacious learning!!

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