
The term “terrorism” refers to deliberate acts of violence that result in the harm and death of innocent individuals while also instilling fear in society. The ultimate goal is to use force to bring about political change. Terrorism, on the other hand, has nothing to do with religion. A terrorist is a terrorist, regardless of whether he or she is Hindu or Muslim.

The term “terrorism” has approximately 10,000 definitions. Supporters may refer to a group as “freedom warriors,” while opponents may refer to it as “terrorists.” States frequently use the term “terrorism” to attack political opponents. The use of violence against noncombatants to garner notoriety for a group, cause, or individual is one type of terrorism. 

Types of Terrorism:

Terrorism can be classified into two types: political terrorism, which causes widespread alarm, and criminal terrorism, which involves kidnapping for ransom. Because it is carried out by well-trained individuals, political terrorism is far more dangerous than criminal terrorism. As a result, law enforcement officials will have a tough time apprehending them in a timely manner. Terrorism has expanded both domestically and internationally. The most dangerous form of terrorism is regional terrorism. Terrorists believe that dying as a terrorist is sacred and holy, and they are willing to go to any length to achieve this goal. These terrorist organizations were formed for various reasons. 

Impact of Terrorism in India:

Terrorism, as previously stated, has a significant influence on any country. It is much the more dangerous when we consider a developing country like India. First and foremost, it instils fear in the populace. People’s mental health is affected by bomb blasts or gunfire. As a result, a number of citizens die prematurely or become crippled. The anxiety and fear that one must live with severely restricts one’s ability to live. 

Terrorism also has a significant influence on tourism. The tourism industry will suffer a setback as travellers avoid regions that are prone to terrorist attacks. Tourism provides a significant portion of India’s earnings. When such incidents occur, tourists are also terrified. Those who intended to travel cancel their plans. Those who are currently there cut their trip short and depart. 

Terrorist attacks also cause international investors to be hesitant about investing in India. Who wants to invest in a country where terrorism is a threat? They choose safer alternatives rather than taking the risk. This is a major setback for India’s economy, which relies on them. As a result, the economy suffers as a result of this. As a result of the loss of life and property caused by terrorist attacks, the cost of replacement is significant. It also leads to people fleeing the country in search of a safer environment outside of the country. India will lose a large number of prospective physicians, engineers, artists, and other professionals as a result of this.

Major Terror Attacks in India:

Over the years, India has been subjected to a number of terrorist strikes. The deadliest of them all was undoubtedly the Mumbai terror strike on November 26th, 2001. Terrorists took control of well-known locations such as Nariman House, Hotel Oberoi Trident, and Hotel Taj. They killed about 170 people and injured more than 300 more. All of the victims were either cops, security guards, or tourists. The Mumbai Train Bombings killed a lot of people. They occurred on Mumbai’s local trains and at seven different railway stations. It killed 210 people and injured 715 others.

The attack on the Indian Parliament was likewise a shock. The parliament is one of the most secure structures in the world. Three members of the parliament and six police officers were killed by the terrorist. It’s still astonishing to think that such a secure location could be targeted. To summarise, terrorism must be removed in India in order for the country to be safe and prosperous.

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