Things you should definitely do during your college life


You would agree that the college years are the most fun years of your life. The time we had spent in our college, bunking class and hanging out with our friends all day. We never wanted to get out of it! So here are 5 things you must do while you are in college.

1. Interact with your seniors

During our college life our seniors are the one who knows our college, teachers the better than us, that’s why its very important to interact with our seniors. Talk to them make them your friends, take advantage of their experience and most important ask them what mistakes they had done as fresher’s and make sure not to repeat those mistakes.

2. Participate in college fests

Never participated in any school function before? Well! It’s the time! Participate in your college fests, trust me college fests are the most fun places you’d ever be and the best place to showcase your talent. Its right time to gain some confidence, get out of your comfort zone and to face your fears. Dance , sing, act, play sports do whatever you want to do just enjoy the moment.

3. Hang out on campus on an off day

Everyone goes to college on a college day. But have you ever stepped into the campus on an off day? You must. No professors, no staff, no one to disturb you. Of course, you’ll have to sneak in and play hide and seek with security, but it’ll be worth it. You can do all the crazy shit you want with your buddies inside the campus, which you’ll never be able to do on a college day.

4. Go for an off-campus internship

Internships are an integral part of college curriculum. Whether it’s paid internship or unpaid it will definitely help you to get a good full time job and help you to take a glance into your work life after college years. Completing an paid or unpaid internship is similar to getting good grades in your exams. Doing an internship is the only way you can learn more about a life of an employee and the big world outside your college.

5. Be a part of any technical or cultural club

Being a part of collage cultural clubs or technical clubs is the best opportunity to showcase your talent and skills. Technical club will help you to hone your technical skills through workshops and projects, this will also help you to think more creatively. Apart from this you will get a chance to interact with your seniors, juniors and the other people outside your college, it will help you to make more friends. Being a part of any technical or cultural club will definitely help you to increase your leadership skills, communication skills and many more.

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