Time Management


“Time and tide wait for no one,” as the saying goes. To be successful in all parts of life, a person must grasp the value of time. People who waste time are those who have not developed their own personality.

What is Time Management ?

  • Time management is the process of properly managing time so that the appropriate amount of time is allotted to the appropriate task.
  • Individuals who use effective time management can assign particular time slots to tasks based on their value.
  • Time management is the process of making the best use of one’s time, which is constantly finite.

Consider which activity is more essential and how much time should be devoted to it. Determine which tasks should be completed first and which may wait a bit longer. Time Management plays a very important role not only in organizations but also in our personal lives.

Time management includes the following:

  • Planning that works:- Make a detailed plan for your day. Make a To-Do List or a “TASK PLAN.” Make a list of the key tasks that must be completed in a single day, together with the amount of time that should be allotted to each task. High priority tasks should be prioritised first, followed by those that do not require much of your attention at the present. Complete all outstanding chores one by one. Do not start new work until you have completed your prior assignment. Tick the ones you’ve already finished. Make certain that you complete the assignments within the time period specified.
  • Establishing goals and objectives:- Working in an organisation without goals and aims is like to the captain of a ship being disoriented at sea. Yes, you’d be lost. Set goals for yourself and make sure they are reasonable and attainable.
  • Establishing deadlines:- Set deadlines for yourself and work hard to do projects ahead of time. Don’t wait for your bosses to ask you every time. Learn to accept responsibility for your job. You are the only one who has the authority to establish deadlines. Consider how much time and how many days you need to commit to a specific activity. Use a calendar to keep track of crucial dates and deadlines.
  • Responsibilities are delegated:- Learn to say “NO” at work. Don’t try to accomplish everything on your own. There are others as well. Accepting something that he knows is tough for him is not a good idea. Employees’ roles and duties must be allocated based on their interests and specialisations in order for them to complete assignments on time. A person who is unfamiliar with something requires more time than someone who is well-versed in the subject.
  • Organizing tasks according to their importance:- Sort the jobs according to their significance and urgency. Understand the distinction between significant and urgent tasks. Determine which chores should be completed within a day, which should be completed within a month, and so on. The most critical tasks should be completed first.
  • Investing the appropriate amount of time in the appropriate activity:- Make it a habit to do the right thing at the right time. Work completed at the wrong time is of little value. Don’t squander a whole day on something that can be completed in an hour or two. Also, set aside some time for personal calls or monitoring Facebook or Twitter updates. After all, a human is not a machine.

For Effective Time Management one needs to be:

  • Organized:- Keep piles of files and mounds of paper away from your desk. Throw away whatever you don’t need. Make folders for crucial papers. Keep the files in their designated drawers, with labels on the top of each file. It saves time that would otherwise be spent on ineffective searches.
  • Don’t misuse time:- Do not kill time by loitering or gossiping around. Concentrate on your work and finish assignments on time. Remember your organization is not paying you for playing games on computer or peeping into other’s cubicles. First complete your work and then do whatever you feel like doing. Don’t wait till the last moment.
  • Be Focussed:- One needs to be focused for effective time management.

Benefits of Time Management:

  • Time management teaches a person to be punctual and disciplined. As a result of efficient time management, one learns to work only when necessary. Individuals should construct a “TASK PLAN” or a “TO DO” List at the start of the day to jot down tasks that need to be done in a certain day based on their significance and urgency against the precise time slots allotted to each activity. A Task Plan provides employees with a feeling of direction at work. An individual understands how his day will unfold and works appropriately, resulting in greater productivity.
  • As a result of efficient time management, one gets more organised. Keeping things in their appropriate placements saves time spent searching for documents, essential files, folders, stationery items, and so on. Individuals maintain their workstations, study zones, cubicles, and meeting places clean and tidy to improve time management. People learn to manage their time well as a result of Time Management.
  • Effective time management increases a person’s morale and confidence. Individuals become well-known in their organisations and among their peers as a consequence of their ability to complete assignments within the time constraints imposed by Time Management. People who appreciate the value of time are the ones who stand out in a crowd. Individuals who complete their task on time are looked up to by others and are constantly the centre of attention.
  • Individuals that stick to a time schedule achieve their goals and objectives in the least amount of time. Effective time management enables staff to fulfil objectives well ahead of deadlines and complete tasks just when they are needed.
  • Effective time management enables an individual to reach the peak of success fast and to remain there for an extended period of time. An employee who works just for the purpose of working makes no impact and is never taken seriously at work. Effective time management is critical to enhancing an individual’s productivity. When people manage their time properly, their output improves significantly.
  • Better time management contributes to better planning and, ultimately, better forecasting. Individuals learn to prepare ahead of time and know where they stand in five years.
  • According to research, those who complete activities on time are less likely to experience stress and worry. Remember that spending time and cribbing afterwards is pointless. Finish any outstanding job on time, and you’ll have enough of time for your friends, relatives, and family members.
  • Time management allows a person to prioritise jobs and activities at work. It is stupid to continue to be overwhelmed. You should not accept everything that comes your way.
  • Time management enables an individual to take a methodical approach.

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