World Health Organization


World Health Organization(WHO) is a specialized agency of the united nations, that deals with health related problems around the globe. It was established on 7th of April 1948. The WHO has played a major role in fighting against some major diseases and boost the health of millions of people.

It establishes and enforces international norms and standard for betterment of people .WHO conducts researches on various diseases .The objective of WHO is as the attainment by all the peoples of highest possible level of health. it also says that taking the highest standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being. It gives technical assistance to different countries and collects collects data on global health issues through various Health surveys. Its Head quarter is in Geneva, Switzerland. and its budget is something around 7.96 billion $.

The governing body of who is world health assembly in which all 194 who members are meets once in a year to review the world health organization’s work, policy and many other things.

Functions of World Health Organization:-

  1. Directing and coordinating international health work.

2.To assure technical co-operation with countries.

3.Setting international standard with respect to food, biological and pharmaceutical products.

4.Developing models for monitoring ,and evaluating various programmes and products.

5.Helps in fighting various diseases. like small pox was eradicated from the world through a campaigns that was coordinated by World health Organization. Malaria eradications programme was the biggest health programme.

6. providing direct technical consultation and resource mobilization to the poor and developing countries.

There are many other functions also that world health organization does perfectly.

in 1977, the world health assembly set before itself the goal of ‘Health for all by the year 200’.this means that people should get every health services which would lead them to live a very productive life by the end of 20th century. However, this target of Who has not reached its goal till today, but world health organization continues to work towards that goal.(Kaeley and Bhandari,271).

Role of world health organization during covid-19 pandemic

The world health organization is the leading organization involved in the fight against COVID -19 virus. On January 2020,WHO told the world about a pneumonia in china and investigated about the disease. On 30th of January, WHO declared the outbreak of Public health emergency of international concern and warned all countries before the spreading of the disease in other countries. By 5th of October in the same year ,world health organization estimated that the a tenth of the world’s population has been infected with the virus.

WHO has taken several initiatives like the COVID -19 soliditary fund to raise money for COVID-19, the soliditary trail for investing potential treatments options for disease. WHO also required a diplomatic balancing act between the members states china and USA. On august 27,WHO announced the setting of an independent expert review committe to examine different treaties that governs response to health issues. The world health organization team arrived china in January 2021 to investigate about the origin of COVID 19.Apart from theses initiatives WHO also spread awareness about the COVID-19 virus, and importance of wearing mask and maintaining social distancing. (source:

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